Patents Represented by Attorney Philips R. Wadsworth
  • Patent number: 6975880
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for controlling transmit power levels of a plurality of different data streams transmitted from at least one base station to a mobile station in a mobile radio communication system is described. A stream of power control commands is formed at the mobile station in accordance with either the first or second received data stream. A power control signal is formed at the mobile station from the first stream of power control commands and transmitted to the base station.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 13, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm, Incorporated
    Inventors: Stein A. Lundby, Leonid Razoumov
  • Patent number: 6973088
    Abstract: This disclosure describes techniques for establishing a PPP data session between a user terminal (UT) and an Interworking Function (IWF). The process involves establishing a PPP2 link with the IWF in response to detecting a mobile IP data session request from the UT, detecting a PPP1 link with the UT in response to the PPP2 link being established, detecting that a PPP2 link failure has occurred, and reconfiguring at least one of the WCD and the UT to an initial state.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 6, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm Incorporated
    Inventors: Anup Kuzhiyil, Nischal Abrol, Marcello Lioy
  • Patent number: 6973098
    Abstract: In a wireless communication system a method for combination transmission of packet data and low delay data. In one embodiment a parallel signaling channel provides a message to receivers indicating a target recipient of packet data. The message also identifies the transmission channels used for packet data transmissions. Each receiver may then selectively decode only packets where the message identifies the receiver as a target recipient. The data packets stored in a buffer are ignored if the target recipient is another mobile unit. In one embodiment, the message is sent concurrently with the data packet on a parallel channel. In one embodiment, the message is punctured into the high rate packet data transmission.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 25, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 6, 2005
    Assignee: QUALCOMM, Incorporated
    Inventors: Stein A. Lundby, Leonid Razoumov, Gang Bao, Yongbin Wei
  • Patent number: 6973310
    Abstract: The mobile station is in the sleep mode until just prior to a designated slot. Upon wakeup, the mobile station ensures a link is maintained with the network by measuring the strength of several pilots. If a neighbor pilot is stronger than the current pilot, a handoff is performed. After handoff, the Control Channel Capsule (CCC) may be demodulated by the mobile station to obtain new overhead information, such as neighbor pilots. If no handoff is performed, the reacquisition slew for the current pilot is measured and fed back to the sleep controller to determine the next wake-up time. The mobile station then returns to sleep mode.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 11, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 6, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm Inc.
    Inventor: Arthur J. Neufeld
  • Patent number: 6973305
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for determining the integrity of a device. A method is provided for use in a server to provide a dynamic integrity check of a client device. The method includes selecting a selected integrity application from one or more integrity applications, wherein the selected integrity application operates to generate a unique preselected integrity response. The method also includes downloading the selected integrity application for execution on the client device, and receiving a response from the selected integrity application. The method also includes determining whether or not the response is the preselected integrity response.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 6, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm INC
    Inventor: Ivan Hugh McLean
  • Patent number: 6967998
    Abstract: In wireless communications, it is necessary to monitor the transmission quality of communications channels to maintain system performance and operation. The invention provides a way of measuring bit error rates in channels at the receiver, without diminishing channel throughput by inserting quality monitoring data into the signal at the transmitter.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 12, 1999
    Date of Patent: November 22, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm Incorporated
    Inventors: Tao Chen, Fuyun Ling, Edward G. Tiedemann, Jr.
  • Patent number: 6968191
    Abstract: In a wireless communication system such as a CDMA system, a traffic channel supporting two applications running in socket mode on a mobile station is allowed to go dormant and is released when respective idle periods associated with each socket expire, i.e., when there is no transmission over the traffic channel for the longer of two potentially unequal idle periods.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 26, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 22, 2005
    Assignee: QUALCOMM INC
    Inventors: Mark Lindner, Russell Sanders
  • Patent number: 6968219
    Abstract: Method for reducing power consumption in Bluetooth and CDMA modes of operation is disclosed. According to a disclosed embodiment, the time for a next scheduled CDMA wakeup process to be performed by a CDMA module is established. Thereafter, if the next CDMA wakeup process is scheduled to be performed before the next Bluetooth wakeup process, a Bluetooth wakeup process is synchronized to be performed by a Bluetooth module at the same time as the next CDMA wakeup process. Following, when the time arrives for the CDMA module to perform the next CDMA wakeup process, the Bluetooth module also performs the Bluetooth wakeup process.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 15, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 22, 2005
    Assignee: QUALCOMM, Incorporated
    Inventors: Ganesh Pattabiraman, John M. Burke
  • Patent number: 6968180
    Abstract: Coupon systems and methods for delivering and redeeming coupons comprise a communications network defined by at least a wireless telephone network coupled to a computer network, where the communications network is associated with a plurality of communication devices that define a group communications net. A communications manager is operable to provide a group communication session by receiving a data packet from one member of the group communications net and transmitting the data packet through the computer network to at least one of the other members of the group communications net. A coupon module having a plurality of coupons is associated with the communications manager, and a delivery module is coupled to each of the coupon module, the communications manager, and the communications network. The delivery module is operable to monitor the group communication session and to deliver one of the plurality of coupons to the group communications net.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 22, 2005
    Assignee: QUALCOMM INC
    Inventors: Miles Alexander Lyell Kirby, Diane M. Winchell, Jon L. Korecki
  • Patent number: 6965767
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for entering a net within a group communication network provides for requesting a current list of available nets that the communication device may join from a controller and, after receiving the current list of available nets from the controller, selecting a net from the current list of available nets. The method and apparatus further allows the communication device to send a request to the controller for joining the selected net, which may be followed by receiving a response from the controller that the communication device has been added to the list of current participants in the selected net. In another aspect of the invention, a method and apparatus for exiting a net within a group communication network provides for sending a request to the controller for exiting the net, receiving a response from the controller that the communication device has been removed from the list of current participants in the net, and exiting the net.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 7, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 15, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm Inc.
    Inventors: Mark Maggenti, Douglas M. Crockett, Eric Rosen
  • Patent number: 6965589
    Abstract: The invention is a method for limiting the peak transmit power in a CDMA communication system including the steps transmitting a first communication signal having a first high transmit power region and transmitting a second communication signal having a second high transmit power region. One of the first and second communication signals is time offset to prevent the first and second high transmit power regions from occurring simultaneously. Time shifting only a portion of one of the first and second communications signals is also taught. The first and second communication signals can also include respective first and second low transmit power regions. The time offset can be selected to align one of the first and second high transmit power regions with one of the first and second low transmit power regions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 15, 2005
    Assignee: QUALCOMM, Incorporated
    Inventors: Stein A. Lundby, Edward G. Tiedemann, Jr., Jack M. Holtzman, Daisuke Terasawa
  • Patent number: 6963755
    Abstract: A power control system for use in facilitating transition to an active state suitable for use in a wireless communication system. In one aspect, the system includes a first transceiver, such as a BTS, having the ability to initiate transmission of a power control function. The transceiver comprises a generator for generating a power control arrangement and a transmitter for transmitting the power control arrangement. The system further includes a second transceiver, such as a terminal, for receiving the power control arrangement and coherently combining the power control arrangement to determine a state transition indication. The second transceiver includes a transmitter that transmits a selected waveform subsequent to the coherent combining. The first transceiver receives the selected waveform, determines a power level associated therewith, and provides feedback to the second transceiver.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 19, 2002
    Date of Patent: November 8, 2005
    Assignee: QUALCOMM, Incorporated
    Inventors: Tao Chen, Edward G. Tiedemann, Jr.
  • Patent number: 6963543
    Abstract: A method and system for group call services in a CDMA radio access network over a GSM-MAP or ANSI-41 core network are presented. The method and system provide for call setup, call notification, and call termination in the air interface of the CDMA radio access network. The necessary modification to the traffic and signaling channels for the CDMA radio network as well as new call flow messages are provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 29, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 8, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm Incorporated
    Inventors: David Diep, Francesco Grilli
  • Patent number: 6960962
    Abstract: A system and method for generating a local oscillator (LO) frequency in a zero intermediate frequency (IF) receiver or transmitter is presented. A signal is received from a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The signal has a VCO frequency. The VCO frequency is divided by a number N to produce a signal having a divided-down frequency. The signal having the VCO frequency is then mixed with the signal having the divided-down frequency to produce an output signal having an output frequency. Local oscillator leakage is reduced. Thus, the receiver or transmitter may operate in multiple wireless communication bands and modes and meet the associated specifications.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 2001
    Date of Patent: November 1, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm Inc.
    Inventors: Paul E. Peterzell, David Maldonado, Kevin Gard, Puay Hoe See, Jeremy Dunworth, Gurkanwal Sahota
  • Patent number: 6957068
    Abstract: A system for providing a dynamic multi-mode service acquisition capability to a subscriber station is provided. The subscriber station is capable of operating in two or more modes of operation. A time to scan condition is indicated while the subscriber station is operating in a current mode of operation having active and inactive states. Responsive thereto, the system stores state information for the current mode of operation, and attempts at least a partial acquisition of communications services in accordance with another mode of operation. The at least partial acquisition attempt is scheduled to be initiated while the subscriber station is operating in the inactive state in the current mode of operation, and completed before the subscriber station transitions back to the active state in the current mode of operation. If the acquisition attempt is successful, the subscriber station transitions to the new mode of operation, maintaining appropriate registration.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 24, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 18, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm, Incorporated
    Inventors: James A. Hutchison, IV, Rotem Cooper, Paul T. Williamson
  • Patent number: 6957249
    Abstract: A computer system includes an enterprise gateway server and a remote gateway server connected via a data network, such as the Internet, that is relatively inefficient compared to typical private networks. The remote gateway server interfaces the enterprise gateway server to corporate messaging and collaboration data stored locally relative to the remote gateway server. The enterprise gateway server converts multiple data requests for the messaging and collaboration data into a single higher-level data request that is transmitted across the data network. The remote gateway server receives the request and converts the single high level request back into the original multiple request format for presentation to the messaging and collaboration database.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 19, 2003
    Date of Patent: October 18, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm, Inc.
    Inventors: Randy Salo, Chris Van Hamersveld, Barry K. Shelton, Larry Herbinaux, D. Brian Deacon, Kenneth Eugene Fayal, Jr.
  • Patent number: 6954504
    Abstract: An encoder encodes a block of information to be transmitted, to improve protection by adding redundancy. The redundancy permits decoding of the information from less than a complete encoded block of information. The use of a combiner with a decoder enables better decoding of symbols.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 6, 2003
    Date of Patent: October 11, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm, Incorporated
    Inventors: Edward G. Tiedemann, Jr., Yongbin Wei, Aziz Gholmieh, Tao Chen
  • Patent number: 6954627
    Abstract: A signal processing method, applied in a wireless communications module having a receive path, prevents a nonlinear device in the receive path from using an amplitude modulated transmit or other bleed-over signal in the receive path to modulate a non-amplitude modulated jammer signal on the receive path (or to further modulate an already amplitude modulated jammer signal). The bleed-over signal is conditioned by adding one or more amplitude modulated dummy signal(s) having an envelope that complements an envelope of the bleed-over signal, forcing the nonlinear circuit to operate linearly with respect to the jammer signal. Output of the amplifier may be filtered to remove signals having bandwidths of the dummy signal(s), bleed-over signal, jammer signal, and any intermodulation products generated by introducing the dummy signal(s).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 28, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 11, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm, Incorporated
    Inventor: Gary John Ballantyne
  • Patent number: 6952411
    Abstract: Techniques for minimizing call setup latency are disclosed. In one aspect, multiple signaling messages are encapsulated and sent as a single message thus reducing the total delay incurred by sequential transmission. In one embodiment, an encapsulation message includes a field indicating the number of messages encapsulated therein. In one example, the encapsulation is performed at a Link Access Control (LAC) layer. Alternate embodiments may perform encapsulation at an alternate layer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 29, 2002
    Date of Patent: October 4, 2005
    Assignee: QUALCOMM, Incorporated
    Inventors: Ragulan Sinnarajah, Baaziz Achour, Jun Wang
  • Patent number: 6952014
    Abstract: A Focused Ion Beam (FIB) milling end-point detection system uses a constant current power supply to energize an Integrated Circuit (IC) that is to be modified. The FIB is cycled over a conductive trace that is to be accessed during the milling process. The input power, or voltage to the IC is monitored during the milling process. The end-point can be detected when the FIB reaches the conductive trace. The FIB can inject charge onto the conductive trace when the FIB reaches the level of the conductive trace. An active device coupled to the conductive trace can amplify the charge injected by the FIB. The active device can operate as a current amplifier. The change in IC current can result in an amplified change in device input voltage. The end-point can be detected by monitoring the change in input voltage from the constant current power supply.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 2004
    Date of Patent: October 4, 2005
    Assignee: Qualcomm Inc
    Inventor: Alan Glen Street