Abstract: The system for asynchronous remote steering of reflectors has parallel asynchronous remote steering mechanisms operably connected to reflectors. A powerless (mechanical) focal beam brake is also provided. In addition to the powerless focal beam brake, a plurality of safety mechanisms are employed. Remote angle checking is provided to adapt the system for solar thermal power plants, solar furnaces, or the like.
May 9, 2011
Date of Patent:
September 4, 2012
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
Abstract: A baby sling having an elongated pouch of a double layer of fabric and a wide tail. The baby sling includes bumpers and a pillow located between the pouch fabric layers. A baby is held in the pouch against the caregiver's body. The pouch is wide for extra security. The baby sling has two rings through which the tail is looped for attachment. The bumpers are approximately cylindrical and may have drawstrings attached. The tail may have a zippered pocket.