Abstract: An ultrasonic nondestructive testing system of the pulse-echo type is disclosed including an echo-signal-translator exhibiting a bandwidth that is varied to achieve excellent near-surface resolution while affording deep inspection of an object under test.
September 22, 1977
Date of Patent:
June 19, 1979
Automation Industries, Inc.
Donald E. Sharpe, Howard E. Van Valkenburg
Abstract: An ultrasonic nondestructive testing system is disclosed which is adapted to display test information representing ultrasonic energy reflected from within an object under test in various modes. In one mode, herein called the set-up mode, a dual display is generated. One of the displays contains a portion of the test information effectively expanded along a horizontal scale, while the other display has a contracted horizontal scale thereby to present essentially all of the test signal. In addition, the other display includes a suitable marker to indicate the location and extent of the test information in the first display. In the other, or test mode, the instrument is adjusted to display only the test information shown in the first display of the set-up mode.