Patents Represented by Attorney Robert S. Moshrefzadeh
  • Patent number: 7350925
    Abstract: Described is an optical lens having a light-receiving surface facing a light source and a first structured surface opposite a first portion of the light-receiving surface. The first structured surface includes a plurality of first reflecting surfaces and first refractive surfaces. Each of the first refractive surfaces receives light from a corresponding first reflective surface for refractive transmission therethrough. The optical system may further include a second structured surface opposite a second portion of the light-receiving surface. The second structured surface includes a plurality of second refractive surfaces. Each of the second refractive surfaces receives light directly from the light-receiving surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 1, 2008
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventor: Frederic R. Engstrom
  • Patent number: 7330240
    Abstract: An optical imaging system is disclosed for selective thermal transfer of a material from a donor film to a substrate. The imaging system includes a light source assembly that is configured to emit a patterned light beam. The patterned light beam includes a plurality of discrete output light segments where the segments at most partially overlap. The imaging system further includes a light relay assembly that receives and projects the plurality of discrete output light segments onto a transfer plane so as to form a projected light segment by a substantial superposition of the plurality of discrete output light segments. When a donor film that includes a transferable material is placed proximate a substrate that lies in the transfer plane, the projected light segment is capable of inducing a transfer of the transferable material onto the substrate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 15, 2006
    Date of Patent: February 12, 2008
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: William A. Tolbert, James M. Nelson, Thomas A. Isberg, Andrew L. Hightower, Dean Faklis
  • Patent number: 7327352
    Abstract: Electrode pattern disposed on a conductive surface is disclosed. The electrode pattern includes a plurality of conductive segments. The conductive segments are located along the edges of two or more concentric parallel polygons. Each edge of each polygon has one or more middle segments disposed between two end segments. For each edge of each polygon the middle segments are equal in length, and the segments are equally spaced. A touch sensor is disclosed that includes such an electrode pattern.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 5, 2008
    Assignee: 3M Innovative Properties Company
    Inventors: Kenneth J. Keefer, Bülent Bulat, Bernard O. Geaghan