Abstract: The basic apparatus includes an abrasive layer and a grid. The grid is installed over the abrasive layer, a shorter distance from it along one of its edges and a greater distance from it at the opposite edge. The shorter distance is about ⅛ inch and the longer distance ⅜ of an inch. One quarter inch hardware cloth is an acceptable grid material. Preferably the apparatus is mounted on a generally vertical surface near a litter box, such as on the inside of a wall of a covered litter box. The abrasive surface may be replaceable and faces the grid and cats use the abrasive surface and grid simultaneously.
Abstract: The switching control system turns off the headlights of a vehicle when the vehicle'S brakes are applied and the vehicle is slowing down and possibly stopping at an intersection and turns the headlights on when the brakes are released. An auxiliary headlight switch turns the headlights on and off by processing signals from (1) the conductor which lights the brake lights and (2) an electrical signal from the speed indication system of the vehicle. The headlights are turned off when (1) the brakes are applied, sending power to the brake lights and (2) vehicle speed is below a designated level, as indicated by a unit which receives the speed signal and generates a signal when the speed is below the designated level. An indicator light is lit when the subject control switching is in effect. In an original equipment embodiment the control switching is powered by the fourth position on a 4 position headlight switch.
Abstract: The trimmer is adapted to trim the grass on the vertical or near vertical edges of a lawn bordering a garden. The trimmer incorporates conventional motor driven rotating blade or filament cutting element(s) at the lower end of an elongated handle assembly. There is a shroud around the cutting element(s). The handle assembly is configured such that the open side of the shroud faces the lawn and user when the trimmer is in use, allowing the user to stand and move on the lawn. The lower portion of the shroud contacts the surface of the garden and the edge of the shroud contacts the edge of the lawn to facilitate proper positioning of the trimmer in use. The handle assembly may be configured such that the handle itself is on the opposite side of the plane of the cutting element(s) from the lower end of the shank of the handle at its attachment to the shroud.
Abstract: A process for real-time motion control of ultra-high quality animated faces of any kind (human, dog, fish, etc.), or control of robotic faces. The system uses common motion capture equipment to develop high and low resolution data sets of facial expressions for human actor faces (serving as the input devices). The high-resolution data is manually and semi-automatically enhanced to provide additional information pertaining to any given expression. The high-resolution expression data sets are logically linked to robotic and computer model faces of any shape for discrete control of all robotic motion controls and the creation of a high resolution data set of model expressions. Real-time low-resolution motion capture data is matched to the low-resolution data sets, and thereby matched to the enhanced high resolution model data sets.
Abstract: The top end of a writing instrument, such as a high lighter, is pivotally attached to one end of an elongated book mark. Adjustment of the angular relationship between the instrument and book mark is retained by friction, a detent or both. When the combination is in use as a book mark, the writing instrument is at a right angle to the book mark and lies along the end of the book.
Abstract: Handles attachable to a snowmobile and stowable/extendable and angularly adjustable. In a preferred embodiment the handles, when extended, extend rearwardly from the snowmobile and are positioned so that grips on the extended ends of the handles are generally at hand height of a standing person. The handles make it possible to lift and maneuver the rear end of the snowmobile with significantly less force than needed for handling the snowmobile directly. When stowed, the handles are locked in the stowed state. The attachment of the handles to the snowmobile allows angular adjustment of the positions of the handles relative to the snowmobile to make the handles more useful and accessible when the snowmobile is in an awkward position. The handles may be dismounted and used in attachment apparatus at the forward end of the snowmobile, the apparatus being built in or added on.
Abstract: The conveyor forms the floor of the trailer and is made up of longitudinal slats slidably supported on cross beams. In a center frame trailer all the cross beams are supported on longitudinal beams. In a frameless trailer some of the cross beams are supported on longitudinal beams which are part of the suspension apparatus for the trailer. In both types of trailers three of the cross beams are activated to activate the slats. These three activated cross beams are called cross drives and are slidably mounted and positively guided directly on the longitudinal beams.
Abstract: The tunnel trap is for use on paths normally used by rats and has two trips operated sequentially. A rat entering either end of the tunnel activates one trip and advances into the tunnel, activating the other trip, releasing the spring driven striker. This procedure and specific proportioning of elements of the trap assures that regardless of which direction the rat is passing through the tunnel it will be trapped and killed. In a mechanical embodiment the striker is held and released by a latch which is activated by a plunger rod which is, in turn, held and released by two latches, one activated by one trip pad in the tunnel and the other by a second trip pad. Each pad extends from near one end of the tunnel toward its longitudinal center. The pad ends toward the center are a distance apart related to the size range and physiques of the rats to be trapped.
Abstract: Contaminants are removed from oil well components by high pressure jets of hot water. The water and removed contaminants are retained and moved by suction to a holding tank for environmentally acceptable disposal. Rod strings move through a housing assembly which is attached to the pumping tee of the well. Nozzles in the housing assembly apply the water. The water and contaminants are sucked from an outlet in the lower bell cap of the housing assembly. The nipple in the bell cap extends upward at least to the upper edge of the bell cap to prevent water and contaminants from entering the well. Suction is provided by a suction pump which draws air from the holding tank. To decontaminate a tube one end of the tube is sealed off and a tee fitting assembly is attached to the other end. A nozzle fitting on a hose (termed a snake) propels itself through the tube as it removes contaminants. The contaminants and water from the nozzles exit through the tee fitting into a hose to the holding tank.
Abstract: The tunnel trap is electrically powered and kills by electrocution. The animal trips two triggers (infrared beams for example), one near each end of the trap, so that the animal is entirely inside the trap when the trap is set off, electrocuting the animal by electric contacts with its head and feet. An elevator then lifts the animal so that it can roll and/or slide out of the trap through an opening in a side of the trap. The triggering allows doors, one at each end opening of the trap, to drop and cover the openings. There are grids on the doors, electrically connected when the doors are down. The animal contacts one door grid or the other as it attempts to escape and electrical current passes from its head to its feet which are on an electrical grid on the floor of the trap. As the elevator rises it lifts the doors to reset them for the next cycle.
Abstract: The apparatus includes a sign and clips which support it. The sign is installed against the wall of the opening into a hazardous, confined space. The sign is a strip of flexible signboard with indicia applied to both broad surfaces. There are several presentations of the message of the sign on each side with adjacent presentations inverted. The clips are attached to the wall of the opening so that the sign is supported at its lower edge to prevent it from falling into the space. The ends of the sign overlap so that a sign of one length is usable in a range of sizes of manholes.
Abstract: The substitute component is made of two mating layers of VELCRO.TM. material shaped in planform to resemble the body of a bait fish. The component can be manipulated during or after assembly to curve it to cause it to simulate the motions of an injured fish as it moves through water. The layers can be impregnated with material which provides fish attracting odors.
Abstract: There are two assemblies in the binding, a harness assembly and an attachment assembly. The harness assembly attaches to a ski boot and has a toe fitting which fits over the toe of the boot and has a flat metal plate contacting the toe portion of the sole of the boot. Four sharp pointed posts extend downward from the plate. Each post has a groove near its base, perpendicular to the axis of the post. The attachment assembly attaches to the ski and has latch bars which engage the grooves in the posts to attach the attachment assembly and ski to the harness and ski boot. One latch bar is spring loaded toward the other and as the posts are inserted onto the attachment assembly the spring loaded bar is moved to allow the posts to pass. When the posts are fully inserted the spring loaded bar moves to capture the posts. There is a lever operated cam at the forward end of the attachment assembly which is used to separate the latch bars to enable detaching the ski from the harness.
Abstract: The subject invention is for use in reciprocating conveyors in which the load is carried and moved by groups of side-by-side slats which reciprocate longitudinally. The slats in each group are attached to a drive member and the drive members are actuated by the subject system to move the groups of slats in unison in one direction and sequentially in the other. The system includes a linear, double acting hydraulic actuator for each group and connected to the drive member for that group. The actuators have equal strokes, different piston areas and are connected in parallel to the hydraulic power supply. The actuators and drive members are arranged such that for motion in one direction the actuator having the largest piston area and its drive member cannot move until the other actuator(s) and drive(s) can move and thus they move in unison in that direction.
Abstract: The worm is threaded onto the hook before the leader is attached to the fish line. A tube and slider are threaded onto the leader before the loop is made on the leader and after the hook is attached to the leader. The tube has a small diameter, such as 1/16 inch, and is a few inches long, such as 5 inches. The slider is about 1/16 wide, 1/32 inch thick and 3/8 inches long with 3 holes normal to its wide faces distributed along its length. The leader is passed through the holes in series. A few ounces of force are required to move the slider along the leader. The end of the tube nearest the loop is at an angle to the long axis of the tube. To thread a worm onto the hook the leader is folded at the angled end of the tube back along the tube and the tube and leader are inserted into a worm a short distance from one end and through the longitudinal center of the worm and out its other end.
Abstract: The primary components of the fountain are a cover, a shallow container, a pump having a vertical translucent and at least one lamp. The pump is installed in the container, under the cover. The open end of the spout fits in a hole in the cover and the water flowing out of the spout forms a plume and then runs over the surface of the cover past openings in the cover into the container. The lamp(s) is/are installed inside the cover and illuminate the water in the plume through the translucent spout and also illuminate the water as it flows past the openings in the cover.
September 19, 1996
Date of Patent:
July 7, 1998
Ginette Hamilton-Bruzzi, Richard Bruzzi