Patents Represented by Law Firm Silverman, Cass & Singer
  • Patent number: 4842378
    Abstract: LCD screen illumination is provided by a neon tube formed to fit closely adjacent the screen. A tube formed to fit around the periphery of the screen shielded from the viewer's eyes can be utilized to front light the screen. A serpentine shaped tube can be placed adjacent the back of the screen to back light the screen. The tube can be formed to have a size coextensive with the screen configuration and can have a light diffuser between the tube and the screen to provide uniform illumination. The tube can provide any desired color, an adjustable high maximum surface brightness, high electrical efficiency and a narrow profile.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 7, 1987
    Date of Patent: June 27, 1989
    Assignee: Alphasil, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard A. Flasck, Benny Irwin, Scott H. Holmberg
  • Patent number: 4837945
    Abstract: A dryer having a drying chamber and an inlet housing structure wherein a heating device is located in the inlet housing structure. An outlet structure is provided with a main chamber and a secondary chamber wherein the flow of gas exiting the drying chamber is divided into a main flow of gas passing from the main chamber to the inlet housing structure and a secondary flow of gas passing from the secondary chamber past a condenser which is located in the secondary chamber to the inlet housing structure. Side chambers located in the housing have side walls which are formed from a perforated sheet of metal. The dryer will function in a recycled-air operation as well as a fresh-air operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 1987
    Date of Patent: June 13, 1989
    Assignee: Hermann Waldner GmbH & Co.
    Inventors: Gunter Wulf, Heinz Geisenhof
  • Patent number: 4836591
    Abstract: An anti-theft hood lock release blocker assembly for preventing the release of a vehicle hood latch activated by a connecting sheathed cable. A bared portion of the cable is secured by a cable connector matingly engaged to a protruding member of a platform jounaled for rotation along a limited arc required to effect release of the hood latch. A remotely controlled electromagnetically operated lever is provided for interfering with the rotation of the platform the full length of the limited arc to prevent release of the hood latch. The assembly is provided with cable clamping apparatus to facilitate the retrofit installation of the assembly into existing hood latch/cable mechanisms.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 25, 1988
    Date of Patent: June 6, 1989
    Assignee: ABC Auto Alarms, Inc.
    Inventor: James H. Faust
  • Patent number: 4837174
    Abstract: A method for producing thin conductive or semiconductive layers embedded in silicon in the manufacture of structures for integrated circuits and the like. The invention is characterized by implanting metal atoms (14) in a silicon substrate (15) to a pre-determined nominal depth, and subsequently causing the implanted metal atoms to be redistributed, to form a conductive or a semiconductive layer (16), by heat-treating the silicon substrate (15).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 30, 1987
    Date of Patent: June 6, 1989
    Assignee: Stiftelsen Institutet for Microvagsteknik VID
    Inventor: Sture Peterson
  • Patent number: 4837153
    Abstract: The present invention provides a method and apparatus with improved fluid flow control for economical and efficient composting. The improved fluid flow control is provided by a lance having at least two separate fluid flow zones to provide a fluid flow profile in the compost. The flow zones are provided by an outer porous wall tube with a control insert tube therein having a plurality of openings along the length thereof and spaced from the wall by gaskets to form the flow zones. The lances can be coupled to a manifold for even fluid distribution throughout the compost. The manifold is designed to direct fluid flow to a portion of the lances while simultaneously removing fluid flow from the other portion of lances. This creates substantially uniform patterns of fluid injection and evacuation for uniform composting, reduced energy requirements and greater control of process conditions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 1984
    Date of Patent: June 6, 1989
    Inventor: John G. Laurenson, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4834008
    Abstract: Computerized sewing apparatus having incorprated therein edge position sensing apparatus and the capability to modify, in real time, a pre-programmed sewing path in accordance with the actual position of the piece being sewn. The apparatus comprises a sewing head, a workholder, a microprocessor coupled to the workholder for moving the whorkholder relative to the sewing head, apparatus for sensing the edge position of an object on the workholder and arranged to provide an output signal corresponding thereto to the microprocessor, comparator apparatus in the microprocessor to compare the actual edge position with the programmed expected edge position and to determine any deviation, and apparatus coupled to the micrprocessor for modifying the sewing path during sewing to compensate for any such deviation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 25, 1987
    Date of Patent: May 30, 1989
    Inventors: Yaacov Sadeh, Yaacov Makover, Bar-Cochva Mardix
  • Patent number: 4834791
    Abstract: A method for producing raw iron from iron-bearing oxidic material, comprising finally reducing the iron oxide by charging the iron oxide, coal, oxygen gas and slag-forming flux to a molten iron bath contained in at least one reactor vessel, a final reduction reactor (2) for final reduction of the iron oxide, and pre-reducing primarily non-reduced iron oxide in a pre-reduction stage (1), and subsequently charging the pre-reduced iron oxide to the reactor, and generating reduction gas (17) for the aforesaid pre-reduction process. The method is particularly characterized in that reduction gas for the pre-reduction process (1) is generated by a separate gas generating process (3) effected in at least one reactor (3), a gas generating reactor, separate from the final reduction reactor or reactors (2). The invention also relates to a plant for carrying out the method.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 1987
    Date of Patent: May 30, 1989
    Assignee: IPS Interproject Service AB
    Inventors: Carl L. Axelsson, Mikael Brunner, Dan Kaufmann, Krister Torsell
  • Patent number: 4828428
    Abstract: A double tamping bar vibratory screed is disclosed for use with a lay-down machine for laying a roadway. The screed consists of a main body portion having a strike-off plate on its leading edge which is followed by two tamping bars having independent eccentric shafts. These tamping bars are in turn followed by a vibrating plate which together perform the necessary compaction and provide a smooth, even surface with a variety of materials.The tamping bars are resiliently designed with a slightly rearward angle of attack and have horizontal material engagement faces which contact the material to be compacted and provide the desired result.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 23, 1987
    Date of Patent: May 9, 1989
    Assignee: Pav-Saver Manufacturing Company
    Inventor: Morell Anderson
  • Patent number: 4826156
    Abstract: The user of the exerciser acts on control members which are integral with a cylinder (6) moving in a vertical (8). A fixed tube (12) penetrates into the cylinder (6). A compressor (16) produces an overpressure inside the tube (12) and the cylinder (6). An antagonist force which is function of the value of said overpressure and of the cross-section surface of the tube (12) is opposed to the downward displacements of the cylinder (6). Said antagonist force is substantially constant, the volume of the portion of the tube (12) engaged in the housing (6) being negligible with respect to the total volume of the latter. Thus, contrary to exercisers of this type wherein the antagonist force is produced by a spring or by the displacement of a piston inside a cylinder, the force in question remains constant throughout the displacement of the moving member on which is acting the user of the exerciser.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 1987
    Date of Patent: May 2, 1989
    Inventor: Beat Dreier
  • Patent number: 4824154
    Abstract: A security lock for a double-hung sash window assembly which is to be mounted on a stile of one of the sash frames to limit movement of the second sash frame relative to the one sash. The lock includes a casing adapted to be mounted within one of the sash frames, a faceplate of the casing having an opening therein communicating with an interior casing cavity. A tumbler pivots in the cavity and is spring biased to normally project through the opening to engage the second sash. A leaf spring is mounted within the casing cavity normally to bias the tumbler into its locking position, but permitting the tumbler to be retracted into the casing. The lock can be supplied as an assembled unit for installation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 10, 1988
    Date of Patent: April 25, 1989
    Assignee: Ashland Products Company
    Inventor: Harold Simpson
  • Patent number: 4824637
    Abstract: An alloy phase stability index diagram comprising a phase distribution range specified therein by calculating average values Md and Bo of an alloy according to the following formulae with respect to an energy level of "d" orbitals of an alloying element and a bond order between a mother metal and an alloying element:Md=.SIGMA.Xi(Md)i (1)Bo=.SIGMA.Xi(Bo)i (2)where Xi is an atomic fraction of the alloying element (i) and (Md)i and (Bo)i are the Md value and the Bo value, respectively, and by locating alloys with known compositions in the index diagram in which Bo or Md thus defined is taken in an ordinate or an abscissa or Bo and Md are taken in both the coordinates.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 22, 1988
    Date of Patent: April 25, 1989
    Inventors: Natsuo Yukawa, Masahiko Morinaga
  • Patent number: 4821596
    Abstract: A rotator comprises a gear housing which has a lower attachment for fitting the housing to the top of a mast, and which has extending therefrom a tube which can be rotated about its longitudinal axis relative to the gear housing by means of a gear therein, this tube being intended to carry a top sleeve, which in turn is intended to carry an aerial.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 9, 1988
    Date of Patent: April 18, 1989
    Inventor: Erik Eklund
  • Patent number: 4820618
    Abstract: An emulsified polymer color toner in a liquid carrier is provided for application to a latent electrostatic image on an electrostatographic recording member and transferred to a receptor sheet. The color toner consists of a colorant and a polymeric binder. A polymer solvent is applied to the receptor sheet surface carrying the deposited toner layer to dissolve part of the binder sufficient to transparentize the color layer, glaze and to fuse the toner layer. The glazing, transparentizing and fusing is effected without increase in dot gain. The polymer dispersant is insoluble in the toner carrier. The polymer solvent is removed from the receptor sheet and the sheet can be polished after removal of the solvent.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 17, 1986
    Date of Patent: April 11, 1989
    Assignee: Stork Colorproofing B.V.
    Inventors: Terence M. Lawson, Gregory A. Quilliam
  • Patent number: 4820000
    Abstract: A lightweight, collapsible preferably PVC formed glove bag asbestos brake removal/confinement system. The bag includes removable stiffening ribs and a flexible membrane or bunge controlled opening in one end to mount the bag over the brake assembly. The bag can be suspended from the automobile itself, such as by a mechanical clamp or magnetic plate assembly, or from any convenient location. The bottom of the bag includes an access zipper for removing or placing tools or the brakes in the bag. The bag optionally includes a removable bottom protective panel to prevent penetration of the bag by tools or brakes dropped thereon.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 7, 1987
    Date of Patent: April 11, 1989
    Inventor: Earl B. Jacobson
  • Patent number: 4820222
    Abstract: Subdivided pixels are provided with interconnected and hence redundant row and column bus lines to reduce fatal defects. The respective redundant row and column lines also can be interconnected between subpixels to further reduce defects. One defective subpixel is generally an acceptable non-fatal defect, since the rest of the subpixels are still operative. The subpixels also can be formed with common row and column bus lines. The pixels or subpixels can be connected in a serial serpentine pattern to test all row or all column bus lines at once. After testing, the serial connections are broken.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 31, 1986
    Date of Patent: April 11, 1989
    Assignee: Alphasil, Inc.
    Inventors: Scott H. Holmberg, Richard A. Flasck
  • Patent number: 4818032
    Abstract: Anti-theft locking device for securing a wheel medallion to the wheel of a vehicle. The device is utilized with a conventional wheel medallion of the type having spring retainers that protrude from the body of the medallion and extend through an opening at the hub of the wheel. Further, the spring retainers have clips that are configured to pass through the opening and abut the surface of the wheel that is opposite to the body of the medallion. A medallion locking disk is provided that is larger than the opening and which will not pass through the opening. The disk has blades which, in the unlocked condition, fit within the confines of the spring retainers and extend between adjacent clips. In the locked condition, the blades are positioned within the clips to hold the clips in an outward position abutting the surface of the wheel. Thus, the clips are prevented from passing through the opening and the medallion is locked to the wheel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 14, 1987
    Date of Patent: April 4, 1989
    Inventor: John V. Thomas
  • Patent number: 4818330
    Abstract: One-sided corrugated board machine having at least two pairs of corrugated rollers, each pair forming an assembly including a lower corrugated roller and an upper corrugated roller. Each of the pairs of rollers is supported on a movable, lockable bearing bracket that is movably secured to walls or supports of the machine. A movable clamping roller and a movable glue-applying device is provided such that they can be moved away to allow the assembly to be moved from one position to another. When it is desired to exchange one assembly for another the clamping roller and the glue-applying device are moved out of the way. The bearing bracket supporting one assembly is then moved from a work position to a rest position and the bearing bracket supporting another assembly is moved from its rest position to the work position replacing the first assembly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 16, 1987
    Date of Patent: April 4, 1989
    Assignee: BHS-Bayerische Berg-, Hutten- und Salzwerke Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Hans Mosburger
  • Patent number: 4816004
    Abstract: Means for providing uplift to the female bust comprises a pad to be used in conjunction with another like pad, each pad being placed, in use, in the lower part of a respective cup of a brassiere, the pad being defined by a first substantially flat surface, D-shaped in outline, a second substantially flat surface, also D-shaped in outline, and a third convex surface, the first and second surfaces meeting substantially at right angles along the straight edges of the D's and the convex surface being bounded by the curved edges of the D's.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 1986
    Date of Patent: March 28, 1989
    Assignee: Emanuel Designs Limited
    Inventor: Elizabeth Emanuel
  • Patent number: 4812811
    Abstract: An alarm device, comprising a so-called alarm tag consisting of two parts arranged so as to be placeable each on one side of an article, for example an article of clothing, of fur or other article, where a needle is provided to extend from one part through the article to the second part, which alarm tag comprises devices for receiving a magnetic alternating field emitted to the alarm tag. According to the invention, the alarm tag (1) comprises devices (8,9,11,12) capable to emit an acoustic signal when the parts (2,3) of the alarm tag (1) move away from each other when the alarm tag (1) is put in a first, active, state and not to emit an acoustic signal when the parts (2,3) of the alarm tag (1) move away from each other when the alarm tag (1) is put in a second, inactive, state.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 25, 1987
    Date of Patent: March 14, 1989
    Assignee: Intermodulation and Safety System AB
    Inventors: Leif Asbrink, Ulf Graflind
  • Patent number: 4805906
    Abstract: A pinball machine construction having a horizontally hinged security door which includes a top control panel which also clamps the glass cover over the playing field. A variable ball delivery system is remotely actuated and variable to deliver the balls to the playing field. Side wall flippers and half bumpers can be included which are mounted adjacent any wall on the playing field. The controls for the pinball machine can be mounted on top of the top control panel for easy access.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 1987
    Date of Patent: February 21, 1989
    Assignee: Home Safe Corp.
    Inventors: Max Wiczer, Albin Peters