Patents Represented by Law Firm Steinberg and Blake
  • Patent number: 4104397
    Abstract: Novel spiro (1,3-dioxolane-4,3') quinuclidine compounds of the formula ##STR1## wherein R.sub.1 and R.sub.2, which may be identical or different, each designates a member of the group hydrogen, alkyl or aryl; a process for the production of these and pharmaceutical compositions of matter containing such compound as active ingredient.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 6, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1978
    Assignee: The Purdue Frederick Company
    Inventors: Sasson Cohen, Abraham Fisher
  • Patent number: 4104127
    Abstract: Cultures of microorganisms can be grown in a body cavity by situating therein a nutrient on a suitable carrier while maintaining the nutrient exposed to a predetermined gaseous atmosphere, so that microorganisms which require a particular atmosphere can grow directly in the body cavity on the nutrient. After a time sufficient for culture growth the carrier with the nutrient thereon are removed from the body cavity and inspected, for example, under a microscope with suitable dyes being used to stain the growth for rendering the latter easily visible. The carrier for the nutrient may take the form of a plastic sheet material having small protuberances which are thicker than a nutrient layer carried by the plastic sheet material and which serve to maintain apart from each other surfaces of the plastic and nutrient which otherwise might engage each other to prevent exposure of the nutrient to the predetermined atmosphere.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1976
    Date of Patent: August 1, 1978
    Inventor: Louis Bucalo
  • Patent number: 4102061
    Abstract: A shoe has an insole, an outsole, and a midsole situated between the insole and outsole, with a wedge member being situated between the midsole and outsole at a heel region thereof and extending from the heel region toward an arch region thereof. This wedge member is formed with at least one opening situated at the heel region and extending downwardly from the midsole toward the outsole with the midsole and insole both having sufficient flexibility to extend at least partly into said opening in response to receiving the weight of the wearer of the shoe, so that the shoe can adapt itself to the shape of the foot of the wearer and contribute toward uniform support for the foot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 2, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Karhu-Titan Oy
    Inventor: Seppo Saaristo
  • Patent number: 4103354
    Abstract: In accordance with the process, a continuously fed viscoplastic material is subjected to a vacuum treatment in a thin layer with subsequent formation of a higher pressure zone from the material. Then the material is again subjected to the vacuum treatment in a thin layer, and a second higher pressure zone is formed from the material prior to feeding it to a next production stage. In an apparatus for carrying out the process for vacuum treatment, there is provided a container accommodating an auger having main and auxiliary turns running in opposite directions for feeding the material in a thin layer and for forming higher pressure zones from the material. There are provided a pipe in the container which is connected to a vacuum system for forming a vacuum zone in the container and means returning the material from one of the higher pressure zones back to the vacuum zone. The production process of vacuum treatment is thereby considerably accelerated and the material of better quality is obtained.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Inventors: Vasily Matveevich Gorbatov, Taras Filippovich Demchenko, Semen Mikhailovich Bobylev, Valery Semenovich Bobylev, Leonid Filippovich Zhilkin, Evgeny Timofeevich Spirin, Genrikh Grigorievich Shirinian
  • Patent number: 4102016
    Abstract: The present invention relates to devices for placing sliver in a can and can be effectively used in high-speed draw frames with sliver delivery speeds as high as 200 m/min and even higher. The device comprises a rotatable can with a movable bottom that can be lifted and lowered by means of a flexible rod made up of several portions. The upper portion of the rod includes the rotatable base for the movable bottom, the intermediate portion thereof is a flexible and has with bearing abutments, while the lower portion of the rod is a carriage coupled with the rotatable support via a flexible but non-stretchable tensioned member which is kept in permanent engagement with the bearing abutments, to provide for an adequate rigidity of the flexible rod portion when the latter either lifts or lowers the movable bottom.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Inventors: Ivan Dmitrievich Pak, Boris Alexeevich Tjukov, Archil Levanovich Karalashvili, Jury Nikolaevich Denisov
  • Patent number: 4102293
    Abstract: The invention concerns a device for propelling ships comprising at least one surface which freely oscillates within a casing under the action of at least one shaft. The surface includes a main blade actuated by the shaft and a smaller leading blade connected to the main blade while providing a free space between the two blades.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 20, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Societe d'Etude et de Gestion des Brevets de la Roche Kerandraon et de Saulces de Freycinet "S.E.G."
    Inventor: Olivier Geoffroy de la Roche Kerandraon
  • Patent number: 4102331
    Abstract: A device which is adapted to transmit electrical energy between an electrical instrument and a living body such as a human body. The device includes a support which has an outer face adapted to be placed in engagement with a surface such as a human skin surface, while the support has an outer periheral edge surrounding the latter outer face thereof and the support being formed inwardly of its outer peripheral edge with an opening extending at least partly into the support from its outer face. An electrically-conductive gel is situated in the latter opening and is at least partly exposed at the outer face of the support so as to be capable of engaging and making electrical contact with the surface which is engaged by the outer face of the support. At least one carbon yarn has a portion situated in this gel for making electrical contact therewith, and an insulation covers the yarn at the region of its portion which is situated in the gel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 21, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Assignee: Datascope Corporation
    Inventors: Joseph Grayzel, William Terrell
  • Patent number: 4102337
    Abstract: A device for below knee orthosis is in the form of brace having a foot plate provided with an upper surface adapted to be situated beneath a foot. Below this upper surface the foot plate is formed just to the rear of the arch region, but forwardly of the rear end of the heel region, with a transverse slot extending inwardly from at least one side of the foot plate, this slot being adapted to receive the lower horizontal leg of a substantially L-shaped lower bar member which has an upright leg extending upwardly from the lower horizontal leg thereof. To the top end of the upright leg is pivotally connected an upper upright bar portion for a given degree of turning movement with respect to the upright leg of the lower bar portion, and this upper bar portion carries at its upper end region a strap which is adapted to encircle a leg.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Inventor: Salvatore Golia
  • Patent number: 4102658
    Abstract: A device for placing a gaseous fluid in contact with a washing liquid for purposes such as removing gaseous components and/or solid impurities which are present in the gaseous fluid and/or cooling the gaseous fluid. A tubular receiving enclosure is provided for receiving the gaseous fluid, this tubular receiving enclosure having an outer tubular wall and an end wall fixed to and extending across the tubular wall and formed with an opening passing therethrough. An internal blower is situated within the tubular receiving enclosure adjacent the end wall thereof for separating droplets of liquid from the fluid in the tubular enclosure. An external blower is situated adjacent the end wall of the tubular enclosure at the exterior thereof, this external blower being coaxial with the internal blower and having a diameter larger than the diameter of the internal blower. The external blower is adapted to discharge clean gas.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 17, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 25, 1978
    Inventor: Viljo Juhana Jarvenpaa
  • Patent number: 4100946
    Abstract: A device for cutting velvet bands on lappet looms, comprising at least one disk blade mounted on an oscillating arm and which can be brought segment by segment into an operative cutting position and a grinding device on the side of the cutting device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 7, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1978
    Inventor: Marco Limonta
  • Patent number: 4101584
    Abstract: New bisbenzoin ethers are produced. The method of producing the bisbenzoin ethers comprises the reaction of an alkyl glycol with benzoin utilizing phosphorous oxychloride as the catalyst with hydrogen chloride as acid reacting agent. The use of phosphorous oxychloride as catalyst with hydrogen chloride improves the production of benzoin ethers in general by the reaction of benzoin with the selected alcohol.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1978
    Assignee: Napp Chemicals Inc.
    Inventors: Walter J. Ranus, Jr., Lester Dennis McClure
  • Patent number: 4100919
    Abstract: An apparatus, comprising a supporting and a rotatable stirrup together with respective wire spokes, intended for being drawn through juxtapositional bones and joints, forms two rigid systems. Said rigid systems are joined together by means of distractors with hinge joint fastenings, situated at the two ends of the wire spoke of the supporting stirrup. The position of the fulcrums of the hinge joints determines the position of the apparatus' axis of rotation. A special regulator is provided for adjusting the position of the axis of rotation of the apparatus which comprises a means for rotating the fulcrum of the hinge joint fastening the distractors and a means for moving the fulcrums of the hinge joints along the distractors connecting the supporting and rotatable stirrups.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 18, 1978
    Assignee: Tsentralny Nauchno-Issledovatelsky Institut Travmatologii I Ortopedii Imeni N.N. Priorova
    Inventors: Oganes Vardanovich Oganesyan, Nikolai Ivanovich Pyanov
  • Patent number: 4099370
    Abstract: A twisted yarn which has an elongated flexible core at least part of which is twisted in a given direction. A plurality of surface fibers are carried by the core at the twisted part thereof and are helically wound around the twisted part of the core in a direction opposite to the direction of twist of the part of the core so as to maintain the latter part of the core twisted in the given direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 11, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1978
    Inventor: John Umiastowski
  • Patent number: 4099733
    Abstract: An off-the-road type of vehicle which is adapted to travel on the rough terrain has a pair of frames distributed longitudinally of the vehicle, these frames, for example, forming a cab frame which is adapted to accommodate an operator of the vehicle and a load-carrying frame. A pair of ground-engaging structures such as wheels are associated with the frames to support the latter for travelling movement. A suspension connects one of the ground-engaging structures with the frame associated therewith, and this suspension includes an elastically yieldable structure to provide the possibility of elastic yielding movement in this suspension. A joint structure interconnects the pair of frames so that they are turnable one with respect to the other at least about an axis which extends longitudinally of the vehicle in the direction of travel thereof and which is substantially horizontal when the vehicle is on substantially horizontal ground.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 11, 1977
    Date of Patent: July 11, 1978
    Assignee: Valmet Oy
    Inventor: Ahti Ilmari Ahonen
  • Patent number: 4099195
    Abstract: A camera which is capable of automatically determining exposure time and which is also capable of providing for manual determination of exposure time either in a manual-mechanical range of exposure times or in a mechanical-electrical range of exposure times. The automatic exposure-time determining structure includes an electromagnet which is energized when the shutter is opened and which is deenergized to bring about closing of the shutter so as to terminate an exposure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 18, 1975
    Date of Patent: July 4, 1978
    Assignee: Asahi Kogaku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventors: Fumio Urano, Yoshio Sawada
  • Patent number: 4094671
    Abstract: A copper alloy having a gold color and being particularly suitable for restorative dentistry and consisting essentially of copper, zinc and a small amount of zirconium. Other additions may be included in the alloy.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 12, 1976
    Date of Patent: June 13, 1978
    Inventor: Osamu Hayashi
  • Patent number: 4092231
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for preparing a shaped article by electrophoresis, said article being formed by agglomerated particles deposited on electrodes from a suspension in a liquid, wherein said suspension is supplied into a space defined between two confronting electrodes in the form of a concave portion and of a convex portion of said article, respectively, wherein said suspension is subjected to an electrophoresis effect between said electrodes which are subjected to a given voltage while an adjacent counterelectrode is subjected to another voltage, and wherein said electrodes are moved closer to one another so as to join and compress together corresponding deposits, for thus forming said article.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 17, 1977
    Date of Patent: May 30, 1978
    Assignee: Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (ANVAR)
    Inventor: Sten Chronberg
  • Patent number: 4091193
    Abstract: The evolution of hydrogen in rechargeable silver-zinc batteries is reduced by the incorporation into the zinc electrode of a minor proportion of a lead oxide, e.g. either lead oxide (PbO) or lead dioxide (PbO.sub.2). The invention further relates in general to electrodes for batteries, said electrodes consisting mainly of zinc oxide and having a small amount of lead oxide or lead dioxide distributed therethrough.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 1977
    Date of Patent: May 23, 1978
    Assignee: Polymer Research Corp. of America
    Inventors: Carl Horowitz, Michael Dichter
  • Patent number: 4089094
    Abstract: A press roll for treating sheet material such as paper and suitable for use in the calender or press section of a paper machine. The roll includes a robust stationary shaft and a shell coaxially surrounding and spaced from the shaft and rotatable with respect thereto. In the gap between the shaft and shell is a sealing structure which surrounds a pressure zone in this gap to seal off this pressure zone, fluid under pressure being supplied to the zone by way of a duct which extends through the shaft, so that the fluid pressure in the pressure zone can be controlled to control deflection of the roll at its shell.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 1976
    Date of Patent: May 16, 1978
    Assignee: Valmet Oy
    Inventor: Lauri Olavi Kaira
  • Patent number: 4089236
    Abstract: A safety structure for automatically releasing a shoe worn by a cyclist from a bicycle pedal in the event of a collision, a fall, or the like. A structure which connects the shoe, worn by the cyclist during operation of the bicycle, to the pedal is supported by the pedal for movement automatically to a position releasing the shoe from the pedal whenever the cyclist exerts through the shoe on the pedal an abnormal force of the type which occurs during a collision, a fall, or the like.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 12, 1976
    Date of Patent: May 16, 1978
    Inventor: Claude Genzling