Patents Represented by Attorney The McCallum Law Firm
  • Patent number: 8084533
    Abstract: The present invention provides the use of a particulate polymer material as a support for an active agent, characterized in that said polymer material is a polymer produced by copolymerizing an unsaturated heterocyclic monomer and squaric or croconic acid or a derivative thereof.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 5, 2005
    Date of Patent: December 27, 2011
    Inventor: Daniel Eric Lynch
  • Patent number: 8017374
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a novel process for decolorization of colored effluents. More particularly it relates to a process for decolorization of colored effluents of textile mills, dye-making industries, paper and pulp industries and molasses spent wash from alcohol distilleries using an unidentified white-rot marine fungus NIOCC #2a isolated from mangrove wood and deposited on Sep. 7, 2004 in the microbial type culture collection (MTCC) of the Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh, India, under the accession number MTCC 5159. Further, this invention relates to decolorization of these effluents using the fungus directly, its cell-free culture supernatant or immobilized fungus or extracellular polymeric substances produced by the fungus. Furthermore, the decolorization of effluents can be carried out from 30° C. to 60° C. and at pH 3 to 6. The decolorization of various colored effluents occurs in the presence of sea water with 25 parts per thousand salinity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 12, 2005
    Date of Patent: September 13, 2011
    Assignee: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
    Inventors: Chandralata Raghu Kumar, Donna Trella D'Souza Ticlo
  • Patent number: 7989663
    Abstract: Fluorogenic lysophosphatidic acid derivatives which can be used as substrates in a continuous, fluorogenic assay that can be performed in microtiter plates. The assays permit measuring LysoPLD activity levels in normal events such as pregnancy or disease states such as cancer. In addition, the present invention can be adopted to high throughout screening (HTS) for identification of potential inhibitors of lysoPLD activity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 28, 2008
    Date of Patent: August 2, 2011
    Assignee: Echelon Biosciences Incorporated
    Inventors: Colin Ferguson, Glenn Prestwich
  • Patent number: 7833704
    Abstract: The present invention provides a method for the detection and sorting of microparticles in a mixture of microparticles. The method of the present invention allows for the detection and sorting of many distinct microparticle classes. Detection and sorting is on the basis of microparticle size, the fluorescence spectrum of any attached reporter molecule, the fluorescence intensity of the reporter molecule, and the number of particles in each classification bin. These microparticle classes have particular applications in many genetic or biochemical multiplexing studies and especially as binding agents for the detection of aneuploidy in an organism or embryo of the organism.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 2, 2004
    Date of Patent: November 16, 2010
    Assignee: Genera Biosystems Limited
    Inventors: Andrew Patrick Wildenberg, Karl Poetter
  • Patent number: 7459285
    Abstract: Fluorogenic lysophosphatidic acid derivatives which can be used as substrates in a continuous, fluorogenic assay that can be performed in microtiter plates. The assays permit measuring LysoPLD activity levels in normal events such as pregnancy or disease states such as cancer. In addition, the present invention can be adopted to high throughout screening(HTS) for identification of potential inhibitors of lysoPLD activity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 9, 2003
    Date of Patent: December 2, 2008
    Assignee: Echelon Biosciences Incorporated
    Inventors: Colin Ferguson, Glenn Prestwich
  • Patent number: 7407752
    Abstract: The methods disclosed herein are of use for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. In particular, the methods provide for the targeting of a transcription altering agent to a specific target site of a viral genome in order to inactivate the virus. In addition, the methods provide for a triplex-forming oligonucleotide capable of interacting with a target site in a viral genome in order to alter transcription. The methods of the present invention may be used against viral pathogens or agents of bioterrorism.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 21, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 5, 2008
    Assignees: University of Utah Research Foundation, Yale University
    Inventors: John D. Kriesel, Brandt B. Jones, Charles B. Grissom, Geoff Herpin, Peter M. Glazer
  • Patent number: 7407777
    Abstract: Compounds, genetic constructs, and cancer treatment methods are provided. Expression vectors were designed to express fusion genes including hIL-2 with a Fc?-? transmembrane anchor derived from a subunit of the FC epsilon receptor. mRNA and the IL-2tm fusion protein was expressed in transfected RD995 tumor cells. Expression of the IL-2tm protein on the tumor cell surface membrane was confirmed by microscopy. RD995 cells transfected with IL-2tm or pCMV2b (empty expression vector) were implanted subcutaneously into C3H/HEN mice. Tumors of mice implanted with 106 or 105 RD995 cells transfected with IL-2tm grew slower than controls. It is believed that selective expression of cytokines such as IL-2 on the surface of tumors is likely to stimulate tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes that are primed and already recognize tumor antigens, enhancing tumor recognition and killing, potentially avoiding toxicity associated with known cytokine therapies.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 8, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 5, 2008
    Assignee: University of Utah Research Foundation
    Inventors: Wolfram Samlowski, Nathan Bradley Adams, John McGregor
  • Patent number: 7306911
    Abstract: The present invention relates to methods for assessing the risk of a patient for developing a potentially fatal cardiac dysrhythmia and for diagnosing Andersen's Syndrome. A tissue sample from a patient is obtained and the DNA or proteins of the sample isolated. From the DNA and protein isolates the sequence of the KCNJ2 gene or the Kir2.1 polypeptide can be obtained. The KCNJ2 gene or the Kir2.1 can be screened for alteration as compared to the wile-type sequence. An alteration in a copy of the KCNJ2 gene or a Kir2.1 polypeptide indicates that the patient has a high risk for developing a cardiac dysrhythmia and can be diagnosed with Andersen's Syndrome. The invention also related to isolated nucleic acid molecules with one or more alterations as compared to the wild-type sequence.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 22, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 11, 2007
    Assignee: University of Utah Research Foundation
    Inventors: Louis Ptacek, Ying-Hui Fu
  • Patent number: 7244562
    Abstract: A method for detecting a specific sequence, a mutation and/or a polymorphisms, including a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), is based on the use of RecA-like recombinase protein and primer extension (PE) or oligonucleotide ligation assays (OLA). RecA coated, specific DNA oligonucleotide probes (RecA filaments) are used for homology searching in duplex DNA. Location of homologous sequences results in the formation of D-loop or double D-loop structures containing a duplex regions comprising the oligonucleotide probe and one strand of the target DNA. In the case of the PE methods, probes are selected to terminate with their 3? end adjacent to the site of mutation or SNP such that a single nucleotide or terminator addition to the primer will be diagnostic of the mutation or SNP.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 2002
    Date of Patent: July 17, 2007
    Assignee: Gene Check, Inc.
    Inventor: Robert E. Wagner, Jr.
  • Patent number: 7192941
    Abstract: Methods are provided for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension and other conditions associated therewith. In particular, the methods include treatment of pulmonary hypertension with estradiol metabolite or estradiol metabolite associated with biodegradable microparticles or nanoparticles alone or in combination with another therapeutic agent. Preferred estradiol metabolites include 2-methoxyestradiol, 4-methoxyestradiol, 2-hydroxyestradiol, and 4-hydroxyestradiol, and/or to synthetic derivatives and analogues thereof or prodrugs thereof. The compositions may also be in the form of a controlled release formulation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 2004
    Date of Patent: March 20, 2007
    Assignee: University of Pittsburgh
    Inventors: Stevan P. Tofovic, Edwin K. Jackson
  • Patent number: 7090636
    Abstract: A magnet keeper-shield assembly adapted to hold and store a permanent magnet used to generate a high gradient magnetic field that, in one embodiment, may penetrate into deep targeted tumor sites in order to attract magnetically responsive micro-carriers. The magnet keeper-shield assembly includes a magnetically permeable keeper-shield with a bore dimensioned to hold the magnet. A lever mechanism is used to push the magnet partially out of the keeper-shield. The actuator is assisted by several springs extending through the base of the keeper-shield.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 12, 2003
    Date of Patent: August 15, 2006
    Assignee: Fe Rx Incorporated
    Inventors: Thomas B. Kent, Robert K. Mitchiner, Caryn Peterson, Scott Raymond Rudge, David Glover
  • Patent number: 7067269
    Abstract: A lipid assay method, kit, and apparatus involving exposure of a protein, having a lipid recognition motif that interacts with a target lipid and a competing lipid, to a solution containing the competing lipid, and determining whether the target lipid is present in the solution. The target lipid has a stronger affinity to the lipid recognition motif than does the competing lipid. The lipid recognition motif is preferably a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, with the target lipid being a phosphoinositide. The assay determines activity of a lipid kinase, the target lipid being a phosphorylation product of a reaction between the lipid kinase and a substrate lipid. The assay can be a cancer screening method for detection of cancer cells, where detection of certain levels of a PI(3,4,5)P3 target lipid is an indicator of a cancer cell.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 26, 2001
    Date of Patent: June 27, 2006
    Assignee: Echelon Biosciences, Inc.
    Inventors: Beth E. Drees, Glenn D. Prestwich, Paul O. Neilsen, Leena Chakravarty, Michael J. Mostert
  • Patent number: 6998395
    Abstract: Methods are provided for preventing or treating risk factors for cardiovascular disease in an individual, comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a composition comprising an estradiol metabolite to said individual. Such risk factors include obesity, the metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, vascular disorders, and renal disorders. Preferred estradiol metabolites include 2-methoxyestradiol, 4-methoxyestradiol, 2-hydroxyestradiol, and 4-hydroxyestradiol or prodrugs thereof. The compositions may also be in the form of a controlled release formulation. Methods are also provided for use of estradiol metabolites to treat or prevent insulin resistance, vascular endothelial dysfunction, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetic nephropathy, proteinuria and reducing leptin levels. In addition, the methods provide a method of stabilizing glucose levels. These treatments may be used in either gender because of their lack of a feminizing estrogenic effect.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 19, 2002
    Date of Patent: February 14, 2006
    Assignee: University of Pittsburg,
    Inventors: Edwin K. Jackson, Stevan P. Tofovic, Raghvendra K. Dubey
  • Patent number: 6950013
    Abstract: A device and method for permanently and securely storing incident information, relating to a vehicle, from remote download to create a secure non-tamperable, permanent database of criminal activity and/or accident evidence for evidentiary purposes. The information may be directly transferred to an information center and/or the authorities through a transmission link, which is preferably a satellite up/link-down/link or saved directly onto the downloading device for transfer to the secure device. The remote downloading device may be activated automatically or upon a trigger signal and comprises an interface, an information capturing storage device, a video monitor display and preferably a transceiver. The interface communicates with an information storage device, downloads the information saved therein and transmits it to the capture storage device, transceiver or both.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 2002
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2005
    Inventors: Robert Jeffery Scaman, Jeffrey Allen Hamilton
  • Patent number: 6785934
    Abstract: A vacuum extension kit elements includes extensions, a flexible hose and an adapter or two, each having plural diameter male and female connectors for connection to different size vacuum cleaner elements and attachments and/or an elastic adapter. The conduit through the elements is essentially a uniform diameter, for uninterrupted flow, and is small enough to double the flow velocity through standard vacuum cleaner elements. A clog preventer, for filtering out large particles, and inserts, for optional further reduction of female connector inside diameters, are also provided.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 8, 2002
    Date of Patent: September 7, 2004
    Assignee: Cornice Technologies Inc
    Inventors: Frank L. Bruno, Marva L. Plummer-Bruno
  • Patent number: PP15793
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of Delosperma named ‘White Nugget’, the novel characteristics of which reside particularly in its low and compact growing pattern, compact glassy pale foliage, unique white flower, exceptional cold-heartiness, repeated blooming pattern throughout the spring and ability to grow well in a wide-variety of soils and regions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 9, 2002
    Date of Patent: June 14, 2005
    Assignee: Paulino Gardens, Inc.
    Inventors: Kelly Grummons, Cheryl Vestal