Patents Represented by Law Firm Watts, Hoffmann, Fisher and Heinke Co.
  • Patent number: 6532910
    Abstract: An improved cooling system for a turbo charged internal combustion engine is disclosed. A conduit connects a pressurizing engine air intake to the cooling system to raise the pressure in the cooling system thereby enabling an increase of the maximum temperature which coolant in the cooling system can reach.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 2001
    Date of Patent: March 18, 2003
    Assignee: Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.
    Inventor: Dennis Langervik
  • Patent number: 6532458
    Abstract: A database server supports weighted and unweighted sampling of records or tuples in accordance with desired sampling semantics such as with replacement (WR), without replacement (WoR), or independent coin flips (CF) semantics, for example. The database server may perform such sampling sequentially not only to sample non-materialized records, such as those produced as a stream by a pipeline in a query tree for example, but also to sample records, whether materialized or not, in a single pass. The database server also supports sampling over a join of two relations of records or tuples without requiring the computation of the full join and without requiring the materialization of both relations and/or indexes on the join attribute values of both relations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 11, 2003
    Assignee: Microsoft Corporation
    Inventors: Surajit Chaudhuri, Rajeev Motwani, Vivek Narasayya
  • Patent number: 6532052
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to a cholesteric liquid crystal display that includes a homogeneous alignment surface effective to provide increased brightness, low focal conic reflectance and/or reflected light treat is to a significant degree circularly polarized. The homogeneous alignment surface substantially homogeneously aligns the liquid crystal director adjacent thereto. The homogeneous alignment surface may be disposed on one or both sides of a cell of the display. In the case of a cell in which the homogeneous alignment surface is disposed on only one side, the substrate with the inhomogeneous alignment surface may be upstream or downstream of the substrate with the homogeneous alignment surface relative to a direction of incident light. Also included especially in the case of a cell that has the homogeneous alignment surface on both sides is the use of a polarizer to provide very good brightness and low focal conic reflectance.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 23, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 11, 2003
    Assignee: Kent Displays, Inc.
    Inventors: Asad A. Khan, Xiao-Yang Huang, J. William Doane, Gene A. Miceli, Donald J. Davis
  • Patent number: 6528446
    Abstract: A process of making ceramic spheroids by firing clay spheroids comprising by weight percent: FeO (3.22-5.21), Fe3O4 (3.40-5.11), SiO2 (52.49-59.42), CaO (1.99-7.96), MgO (2.81-4.69), Al2O3 (12.05-17.65), TlO2 (0.58-0.71), MnO (0.07-0.19), Na2O (0.47-0.86), K2O (1.70-2.37), P2O3 (0.13-0.19), S (0.03-0.29), CO2 (0.90-8.23), Organic C (0.22-1.04), H2O+ (4.14-7.28), H2O− (2.12-5.48) in contact with a particulate parting agent selected from aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide, and their precursors at a sufficiently high temperature and for a sufficiently long time to form a shell. Preferably, the clay spheroids are obtained from a deposit located at Hallock in Kittson County Minn., U.S.A.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 3, 2000
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2003
    Assignee: Kinetico Incorporated
    Inventor: James C. Stensrud
  • Patent number: 6527394
    Abstract: The invention relates to objective arrangements for use in projection systems such as overhead projectors. An objective arrangement 10 provides a tilted image plane. The arrangement 10 is rotationally asymmetric by virtue of the third element 16 having a principal optical axis 22 which is displaced to one side, but parallel with the principal optical axes 20 of the first and second elements 12,14. This asymmetry has been found to correct aberrations introduced by a tilted Fresnel lens used in the projection arrangement.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 27, 1999
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2003
    Assignee: International Optics Limited
    Inventor: Kai Chang Lu
  • Patent number: 6529901
    Abstract: In a database system, a method for determining a set of essential statistics. A set of potentially relevant, but unconstructed, statistics for a user query comprising a plurality of operators is compiled. A first value is assigned to the unconstructed statistics and a first projected query cost is computed for the query wherein the unconstructed statistics have the first value. A second value is assigned to the unconstructed statistics and a second projected query cost is computed for the query wherein the unconstructed statistics have the second value. The first and second projected query costs are compared and the determination of essential statistics is discontinued if the first and second projected query costs are equivalent. If the first and second projected query costs are not equivalent, an unconstructed statistic is selected to build and process is repeated until the first and second projected query costs are equivalent or all the unconstructed potentially relevant statistics have been constructed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 2000
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2003
    Assignee: Microsoft Corporation
    Inventors: Surajit Chaudhuri, Vivek Narasayya
  • Patent number: 6527147
    Abstract: A system for providing dunnage to packages as the packages are formed is disclosed. The system includes a dunnage forming machine having a work station for inflating and sealing plastic pouches to form dunnage units. An accumulator is positioned below the station for receiving and collecting such units as they are formed. The accumulator includes an outlet opening laterally offset from the station. A pair of counter rotating brushes having axes journaled in spaced relationship are mounted at the outlet. Each of the brushes includes circumferentially spaced bristle sets defining unit receiving spaces between adjacent sets. A motor drive is operably connected to the brushes for causing counter rotation. A unit volume sensor is provided for emitting a machine start signal when the volume of units in the accumulator reaches a predetermined low volume. A process for providing dunnage in packages being formed is also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 12, 2000
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2003
    Assignee: Automated Packaging Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: Rick Steven Wehrmann
  • Patent number: 6524936
    Abstract: A process for stripping a photoresist layer after exposure to an ion implantation process. The process includes subjecting a substrate having the ion implanted photoresist layer thereon to a UV radiation exposure and subsequently removing the ion implanted photoresist by conventional stripping processes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 25, 2003
    Assignee: Axcelis Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: John Scott Hallock, Alan Frederick Becknell, Palani Sakthivel
  • Patent number: 6526405
    Abstract: Determining a degree of relative similarity between event types in event sequences by examining the context of the event types facilitates similarity analysis of large sets of event sequences. A method for determining the similarity between event types in event sequences by examining the data log of the event sequence. A context set of event types is compiled for each event type. The context sets are then compared to determine a degree of similarity between their corresponding event types. The context sets may be compiled by recording the event types which happen within a predetermined time period of the event type in question. The context sets may then be transformed into vectors and a distance calculated between the vectors. The distance indicates a degree of relative similarity between the event types which correspond to the vectors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 1999
    Date of Patent: February 25, 2003
    Assignee: Microsoft Corporation
    Inventors: Heikki O. Mannila, Pirjo Moen
  • Patent number: 6518533
    Abstract: High strength steel tube is made from a full hard, cold rolled steel sheet having a chemistry compliant to S.A.E. J 403 grade 1026. The high strength of the tube is a result of specified thermal-mechanical processing of hot rolled sheet followed by controlled percent cold rolled reduction, and does not require post-welding thermal heat treatment and/or cold drawing processing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 1, 2001
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: LTV Steel Company, Inc.
    Inventor: David S. Haghiri
  • Patent number: 6516689
    Abstract: A ratchet wrench is disclosed. The wrench includes a handle including a head and an elongate grippable portion. The head includes toothed walls defining a palm socket receiving aperture. The handle carries a manually actuatable spring biased lever having a latching portion projecting into the aperture in a normal position and an external actuating portion spaced from the latching portion for manual actuation against the spring bias to shift the latching portion from its normal position to a release position at least partially within a lever recess in the handle. A palm ratchet is disclosed which has a toothed perimeteral portion insertable into the aperture when the latching portion is in its release position. The perimeteral portion includes a surface defining a latching recess for receiving the latching portion when the latching portion is in the normal position thereby maintaining the handle and palm ratchet in a connected condition.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 8, 2000
    Date of Patent: February 11, 2003
    Assignee: Stride Tool, Inc.
    Inventor: Darryle E. Bates
  • Patent number: 6513029
    Abstract: An index and materialized view selection wizard produces a fast and reasonable recommendation for a configuration of indexes, materialized views, and indexes on materialized views which are beneficial given a specified workload for a given database and database server. Candidate materialized views and indexes are obtained, and a joint enumeration of the combined materialized views and indexes is performed to obtain a recommended configuration. The configuration includes indexes, materialized views and indexes on materialized views. Candidate materialized views are obtained by first determining subsets of tables are referenced in queries in the workload and then finding interesting table subsets. Next, interesting subsets are considered on a per query basis to determine which are syntactically relevant for a query. Materialized views which are likely to be used for the workload are then generated along with a set of merged materialized views.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 2000
    Date of Patent: January 28, 2003
    Assignee: Microsoft Corporation
    Inventors: Sanjay Agrawal, Surajit Chaudhuri, Vivek R. Narasayya
  • Patent number: 6503366
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for generating a plasma in a gas using a thermal source and a heat source in a common reaction zone. A process gas is flowed to a reaction zone and heated with a thermal energy source. Within the same reaction zone, a current is passed in the gas to generate a plasma within the gas. The plasma is directed to a substrate for treatment. The substrate may be a silicon wafer as part of an etching, ashing, wafer cleaning, and chemical vapor deposition.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 2000
    Date of Patent: January 7, 2003
    Assignee: Axcelis Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: Joel Penelon, Ivan Berry
  • Patent number: 6502655
    Abstract: An over the highway vehicle having a forwardly pivotal cab mounted on a frame is disclosed. A latch assembly is interposed between the frame and the cab. The latch assembly includes coacting subassemblies including a catch for releasable retention by a latch. One of the subassemblies is connected to the frame and the other of the subassemblies is connected to the cab. The cab connected subassembly includes an impact absorbing yieldable element for normally maintaining a connected cab in a latched position. The element is extensible upon such vehicle experiencing a collision to allow controlled and limited forward tilting of the cab occasioned by the force of such a collision while maintaining the cab in a latched condition. A process of absorbing collision forces is also disclosed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 5, 2001
    Date of Patent: January 7, 2003
    Assignee: Volvo Trucks North America, Inc.
    Inventors: Jeff Peddycord, David Philipps
  • Patent number: 6501281
    Abstract: A capacitive, operator-sensing circuit for mobile power equipment includes a charge-transfer touch sensor that is electrically coupled to at least one sensing electrode mounted on a gripping surface of the mobile power equipment. The charge-transfer touch sensor is preferably a digital integrated circuit that operates to change an output voltage between two levels or states (logic high and logic low) depending upon a quantity of charge sensed on the at least one sensing electrode, the sensed charge on the at least one sensing electrode changing with the presence or absence of an operator's hand on the at least one sensing electrode. The charge-transfer touch sensor outputs a DC voltage signal, maintaining a given output voltage level until the sensor senses a predetermined change in sensed charge on the sensing electrode. The capacitive operator-sensing circuit additionally includes coupling circuitry coupled between the charge-transfer touch sensor and a component of the equipment.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 19, 2000
    Date of Patent: December 31, 2002
    Assignee: Delta Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: James A. Rundo
  • Patent number: 6499278
    Abstract: A packaging web is disclosed. The web is an elongate, flattened plastic tube having face and back sides delineating the faces and backs of a set of side by side bags. The tube includes an elongated top section and spaced sets of side seals each extending transversely from the bottom to a location near the top section. The side seals of each set delineate sides of adjacent bags such that the sides and bottoms delineate the perimeters of a set of open top bags. The top section is essentially a bottom open tube for providing bag support when the web is fed into a bag loading machine. The web includes superposed, spaced lines of weakness in each of the face and back sides delineating tops of the bags. Each such spaced line of weakness extends substantially across an associated bag top and terminates in spaced relationship with an associate one of the spaced lines of weakness to leave solid sections in the face and back sides.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 5, 2002
    Date of Patent: December 31, 2002
    Assignee: Automated Packaging Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: William M. Cronauer, Bernard Lerner
  • Patent number: 6497391
    Abstract: A keyboard and mouse support includes a keyboard support body and a mouse support. The keyboard support body includes a throughpassage that passes through the support body and opens on opposite sides of the support body. The keyboard support body also defines a support surface configured to accommodate a keyboard such as a keyboard for inputting alphanumeric symbols to a personal computer. The moveable mouse support fits within a portion of the throughpassage of the support and extends outwardly from the support to define a mouse support surface having a region that extends in front of a front edge of a keyboard with the keyboard resting the support surface. Although the term “mouse” has become almost universally used for the rolling input device used to move an arrow on the display screen and “pick” functions or data values, other terms such as “trackball” can be used interchangeably with the term “mouse”.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 26, 1999
    Date of Patent: December 24, 2002
    Assignee: Work-Rite Ergonomic Accessories, Inc.
    Inventor: Derek Timm
  • Patent number: 6496208
    Abstract: Method and apparatus for displaying and navigating data organized in the form of a graph structure (hierarchy or network) is presented. The invention has application for displaying a system of interconnected nodes such as a graph, a network, an organizational chart, a flowchart etc. wherein data or information is associated with nodes of the system. A user interface is implemented as an ActiveX control having a viewer component for displaying and navigating graph structur (for example a data mining model over data records or a directory structure over a set of files). The viewer component updates the contents of related windows that display different aspects of the components (nodes) of the data structure. A thumbnail window presents the user with an overview of the data structure. A layout window presents a more detailed view of part of the graph structure. Other windows display context and detailed properties associated with particular selected nodes.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 28, 1999
    Date of Patent: December 17, 2002
    Assignee: Microsoft Corporation
    Inventors: Jeff Bernhardt, Usama M. Fayyad
  • Patent number: D466698
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 18, 2001
    Date of Patent: December 10, 2002
    Assignee: L.A. Product Design, L.L.C.
    Inventors: James E. Grove, Andy Siew Fun Vong
  • Patent number: D471157
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 6, 2001
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2003
    Assignee: Delta Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: Arthur J. Harvey