Patents Represented by Attorney, Agent or Law Firm ZiolkowskiPatent Solutions Group
  • Patent number: 6528998
    Abstract: A method and apparatus for correcting ghosting artifacts that are related to Maxwell fields and/or other perturbation magnetic fields is disclosed. The method and apparatus includes acquiring MR image n-space data and an MR reference scan, each having perturbation field effects therein. After determining phase correction values from the MR reference scan and reconstructing an MR image using the phase correction values, a projection phase error is calculated from the reconstructed MR image and then subtracted from the reference scan, the result of which is used to determine a new set of phase correction values. The new set of phase correction values is applied to the acquired MR image data to reconstruct a new image. The reconstructed new image can then be reused to calculate a new projection phase error, which again is subtracted from the reference scan data and the process is repeated until an image of desired ghost artifact reduction is achieved.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2000
    Date of Patent: March 4, 2003
    Assignee: GE Medical Systems Global Technology Co., LLC
    Inventors: Xiaohong Zhou, Joseph K. Maier, Steven J. Huff