Patents Assigned to 9052151 Canada Corporation
  • Patent number: 9612050
    Abstract: A simplified method for production of a commercial supply liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplied in a pressurized vessel includes taking a supply of natural gas including contaminants from a stranded well or from a pipe line and extracting from the supply gas water vapor and CO2 in a fixed bed absorption system. In a first stage the supply gas is separated into first and second streams where the first stream contains all the cold energy available from the feed stream and sufficient of the contaminants are removed to meet a product specification for the composition of the LNG supply. In a second stage the first stream is liquefied by the available cool energy for commercial pressurized supply container The second stream contains natural gas which is as much as 75% of the feed stream together with substantially all the contaminants and is used as a natural gas supply.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 12, 2012
    Date of Patent: April 4, 2017
    Assignee: 9052151 Canada Corporation
    Inventor: Gary Palmer