Abstract: An end cap device for dressing room divider paneling and a method of forming the same are disclosed. The end cap device functions as a panel corner trim dressing capable of bending 90 degrees in either direction so as to accommodate various panel end configurations or combinations thereof. The end cap device also operates as a locking device which can lock into adjacent panel edge caps and the corner channel of the panel to be dressed. In one embodiment, the end cap device includes a pair of symmetrically opposed end cap members of rectangular shape joined by a hinge member. In another embodiment, a single end cap member without a hinge is employed, for use such as at a three or four-way juncture of panels.
Abstract: A channel or housing for electrical cord and wire management in a table leg assembly is disclosed. The channel or housing includes a stationary insert member and a snap-in insert member, both of which are installed interiorly of a pair of legs of a computer table or the like. The stationary insert member is initially installed between the table legs by means of hex head screws or the like, having spacer members installed thereon for receiving spacer slots on the snap-in insert member. The snap-in insert member is of shorter overall length than the stationary insert member, and the spacer members are so positioned that an opening is created at both the upper and lower ends of the snap-in insert. Thus electrical wiring or cords may be retained within the table leg assembly between the snap-in insert and the stationary insert and easily passed through the channel between the two inserts.