Abstract: Embodiments include, in combination with a ball joint relievable hanger having an moveable rod in which movement is facilitated by a ball portion within a complementary cavity, the ball portion having a bore containing a spring which bears on a locking member and urges the locking member into a detent in the complementary cavity, thereby retaining the rod in position unless a release weight is placed on the hanger, resulting in the downward movement of the rod, the improvement comprising, the extension of the bore in the ball portion to the end of the rod, a threaded screw which interacts with threads on the bore extension to allow distal-proximate movement of the screw, and seat means for conveying distal-proximate movement of the screw to the spring. Embodiments include means for adjusting the release weight of the relievable hanger.
Abstract: Embodiments include eyewash valves in which the temperature of the water emerging from the valve is thermostatically controlled by a wax motor which regulates the flow of hot and cold water through the valve. Embodiments include provisions for continuing water flow through the valve despite failure of the hot water supply. Embodiments also include provisions for water flow through the valve despite failure of the wax motor in the upper position or in the lower position.
Abstract: Embodiment thermostatic valves are protected against damage to the wax motor from the leakage of hot water into the valve when the hot water inlet is closed. Embodiments include an improved temperature motive means with fewer parts than conventional valves and with an improved sealing relation between the wax motor/shuttle and the water ports.
Abstract: An embodiment includes a valve with a filter in which the flow of water through the valve is stopped by lowering a filter within the valve. This movement of the filter allows a poppet valve to close, stopping the flow of water. Subsequent raising of the filter holds the poppet valve in the open position, allowing the flow of water through the filter for further use. Embodiments are found in drinking fountains and facilitate the maintenance of the drinking fountain by allowing a technician to shut off the water using a screwdriver without requiring the removal of the fountain cover.
June 29, 2012
Publication date:
January 2, 2014
Acorn Engineering Company
Brandon Bridgeford, David Young, Ron Hahn