Abstract: A sliding window with big gap data compression system is simple to implement and gives good compression over a wide variety of bilevel images. A sliding window compressor with a very small window size is utilized in conjunction with a storage buffer which is large enough to hold at least an entire scan line of data symbols. Coupled to the storage buffer is circuitry that checks for a match between the incoming data symbol and a symbol stored in one specific programmable location. This programmable location is preferably exactly one scan line length away. Match locations are either within the range of the small window or exactly equal to the specific programmable location. The entire compressor can be viewed as a sliding window with a big gap (SWBG). This sliding window is of a length corresponding to the length of the scan line, comprised of the small window followed by a big gap and then the one specific programmable location, at the end of the scan line.
August 2, 1995
Date of Patent:
December 2, 1997
Advance Hardware Architecture
Patrick A. Owsley, Kenneth J. Baker, Catherine A. French, Greg C. Zweigle