Patents Assigned to Advanced Neuromodulations Systems, Inc.
  • Publication number: 20110208265
    Abstract: Disclosed are systems and methods which provide trial stimulators suited for use interoperatively and during patient trial. Trial stimulator embodiments provide a patient interface and/or clinician interface which appears and functions substantially the same as an interface of a pulse generator controller which will be used after a trial period. A compliance monitor feature may be provided to facilitate verifying the proper use of the trial stimulator during a trial period. A diagnostic feature may be provided to facilitate verifying proper operation of various aspects of a trial stimulator, such as electrode impedance analysis. Trial stimulators of embodiments provide stimulation to a plurality of tissues and/or areas of the body, such as spinal cord stimulation, deep brain stimulation, etcetera. Embodiments provide for multi-electrode stimulation and multi-stimulation programs.
    Type: Application
    Filed: May 2, 2011
    Publication date: August 25, 2011
    Inventors: John H. Erickson, George Van Campen, Patrick M. Cullen, Thomas K. Hickman
  • Patent number: 7993352
    Abstract: In one aspect, an apparatus is provided for securing an electrical stimulation lead in position in a person's brain. The apparatus includes a body configured to seat within a burr hole formed in the person's skull. The apparatus also includes a central elastic membrane coupled to the body and extending across a central aperture of the body. The elastic membrane includes a number of pre-formed openings provided for purposes of securing the lead in position within the brain after implantation. Each pre-formed opening may penetrate through an entire thickness of the elastic membrane. Each pre-formed opening may be selected for insertion of the lead into the brain. Each pre-formed opening is adapted to elastically expand as the lead is inserted through the pre-formed opening and positioned in the brain and is adapted to elastically contract on the lead to secure the lead in position within the brain after implantation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 2004
    Date of Patent: August 9, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Damon R. Black, Terry D. Daglow, Robert E. Jones
  • Publication number: 20110178568
    Abstract: A method is described for the treatment of obesity or other disorders, by electrical activation or inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system. This activation or inhibition can be accomplished by electrically stimulating the greater splanchnic nerve or other portion of the sympathetic nervous system using an implantable pulse generator. This nerve activation can result in reduced food intake and increased energy expenditure. Reduced food intake may occur through a variety of mechanisms that reduce appetite and cause satiety. Increased adrenal gland hormone levels will result in increased energy expenditure. Fat and carbohydrate metabolism, which are also increased by sympathetic nerve activation, will accompany the increased energy expenditure.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 29, 2011
    Publication date: July 21, 2011
    Inventor: John D. Dobak, III
  • Patent number: 7981119
    Abstract: In one aspect, an apparatus is provided for securing an electrical stimulation lead in position in a person's brain. The apparatus includes a flexible disc comprising a substantially radial slot adapted to secure the lead in position within the brain after implantation. The slot is adapted to elastically expand as the lead is inserted into the slot and is also adapted to elastically contract on the lead to secure the lead in position within the brain after implantation. The apparatus further includes a ring adapted to seat within a burr hole formed in the person's skull. The ring comprises a channel adapted to receive and secure the flexible disc.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 10, 2004
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Peter R. Lando, Terry D. Daglow, John H. Erickson
  • Patent number: 7982529
    Abstract: Disclosed are systems and methods which provide voltage conversion in increments less than integer multiples of a power supply (e.g., battery) voltage. A representative embodiment provides power supply voltage multipliers in a binary ladder distribution to provide a desired number of output voltage steps using a relatively uncomplicated circuit design. By using different sources in various combinations and/or by “stacking” different sources in various ways, the voltage multiplier circuit may be used to provide desired voltages. In order to minimize the number of components used in a voltage converter of an embodiment, a capacitive voltage converter circuit uses one or more storage capacitors in place of pump capacitors in a voltage generation cycle. Also, certain embodiments do not operate to generate an output voltage until the time that voltage is needed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 17, 2009
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Benjamin A Tranchina, John H Erickson, Anthony J Varrichio
  • Patent number: 7983762
    Abstract: Systems and methods for enhancing or affecting neural stimulation efficiency and/or efficacy are disclosed. In one embodiment, a system and/or method may apply electromagnetic stimulation to a patient's nervous system over a first time domain according to a first set of stimulation parameters, and over a second time domain according to a second set of stimulation parameters. The first and second time domains may be sequential, simultaneous, or nested. Stimulation parameters may vary in accordance with one or more types of duty cycle, amplitude, pulse repetition frequency, pulse width, spatiotemporal, and/or polarity variations. Stimulation may be applied at subthreshold, threshold, and/or suprathreshold levels in one or more periodic, aperiodic (e.g., chaotic), and/or pseudo-random manners. In some embodiments stimulation may comprise a burst pattern having an interburst frequency corresponding to an intrinsic brainwave frequency, and regular and/or varying intraburst stimulation parameters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 3, 2008
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Bradford Evan Gliner, Allen Wyler, Brad Fowler, W. Douglas Sheffield, Richard Kuntz, Kent Leyde, Leif R. Sloan
  • Publication number: 20110167631
    Abstract: A wire wrapping device that includes a turntable assembly that is made up of a turntable and a driver adapted to rotate the turntable. Also, a set of payout carriers are mounted on the turntable, each payout carrier adapted to let out wire to be wrapped. A driver is adapted to turn each payout carrier relative to the turn table, the driver being user adjustable to turn each payout carrier by a selectable amount, per each complete rotation of the turntable.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 23, 2011
    Publication date: July 14, 2011
    Inventors: Don L. Dye, John W. Swanson, Jerome J. Boogaard, Dave Locke
  • Patent number: 7979133
    Abstract: In some embodiments, a paddle lead is implanted within a patient such that the electrodes are positioned within the cervical or thoracic spinal levels. An electrode combination on a first row of electrodes can be determined that is effective for a first pain location with minimal effects on other regions of the body. The first pain location can be addressed by stimulating a first dorsal column fiber due to the relatively fine electrical field resolution achievable by the multiple columns. Then, another electrode combination on a second row of electrodes can be determined for a second pain location with minimal effects on other regions. The second pain location could be addressed by stimulating a second dorsal column fiber. After the determination of the appropriate electrodes for stimulation, the patient's IPG can be programmed to deliver pulses using the first and second rows according to the determined electrode combinations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 2009
    Date of Patent: July 12, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Claudio A. Feler, John H. Erickson
  • Patent number: 7979131
    Abstract: In some embodiments, a paddle lead is implanted within a patient such that the electrodes are positioned within the cervical or thoracic spinal levels. An electrode combination on a first row of electrodes can be determined that is effective for a first pain location with minimal effects on other regions of the body. The first pain location can be addressed by stimulating a first dorsal column fiber due to the relatively fine electrical field resolution achievable by the multiple columns. Then, another electrode combination on a second row of electrodes can be determined for a second pain location with minimal effects on other regions. The second pain location could be addressed by stimulating a second dorsal column fiber. After the determination of the appropriate electrodes for stimulation, the patient's IPG can be programmed to deliver pulses using the first and second rows according to the determined electrode combinations.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 26, 2007
    Date of Patent: July 12, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Claudio A. Feler, John H. Erickson
  • Patent number: 7979132
    Abstract: The application relates to a stimulation device with power conservation functionality. In implantable devices, power supplies may be limited. Replenishing these power supplies may require costly surgery or periodic recharging depending on the model. A method may be implemented that skips or drops periodic pulses without apparently changing the frequency of the pulses. In this manner, the dropped pulses may be undetected by the patient. On the other hand, the dropped pulse represents power savings. Dropping one in ten pulses may lead to a 10% energy savings. The stimulation device may implement the method with one or more counters implemented in hardware or software.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 23, 2009
    Date of Patent: July 12, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: John Erickson
  • Patent number: 7970480
    Abstract: In one embodiment, a medical lead comprises a lead body for conducting electrical pulses and a paddle. The paddle includes an intermediate metal layer, at least an insulative polymer backing layer, and an insulative polymer covering layer. The intermediate metal layer comprises a plurality of features defined by gaps in the metal material in the metal layer such that each feature is electrically isolated from each other feature, wherein each feature includes a respective connector element that is electrically coupled to at least one conductor within the lead body, wherein a portion of the insulative polymer covering layer is exposed above each feature to define a respective electrode for the corresponding feature. Also, the paddle possesses shape memory to cause the paddle to assume a substantially planar orientation when the shape memory is in a relaxed state.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 5, 2009
    Date of Patent: June 28, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: John W. Swanson
  • Patent number: 7962218
    Abstract: Systems and methods for treating movement disorders using cortical stimulation. In one embodiment, a method for treating movement disorders comprises determining a site at the cortex of the brain of a patient related to a movement disorder of an afflicted body part. The site can be determined by obtaining a representation of neural activity occurring in the cortex of the patient and correlating an area of neural activity with the afflicted body part. The method can also include applying neural stimulation, such as electrical or magnetic waveforms, directly to the site.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 4, 2007
    Date of Patent: June 14, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Jeffrey Balzer, Allen Wyler
  • Patent number: 7962224
    Abstract: In one embodiment, a stimulation lead for delivering electrical pulses from a pulse generator to tissue of a patient, comprises: a plurality of electrodes; a plurality of terminals; a plurality of conductors electrically coupling the plurality of electrodes with the plurality of terminals; a lead body of insulative material for enclosing the plurality of conductors; and at least one magnetic-field actuated switch for limiting MRI-induced current between the plurality of electrodes and the plurality of terminals, wherein the magnetic-field actuated switch is actuated by magnetostrictive material.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 5, 2008
    Date of Patent: June 14, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: Brian Blischak
  • Patent number: 7949393
    Abstract: In one embodiment, an implantable pulse generator comprises: pulse generating circuitry for generating pulses and delivering the pulses to outputs of the implantable pulse generator; a controller; wherein the pulse generating circuitry comprises a voltage multiplier for multiplying a battery voltage, the voltage multiplier including multiple outputs, wherein a first output of the multiple outputs provides a voltage that is programmably selectable from a plurality of voltages including non-integer multiples of the battery voltage, wherein a second output of the multiple outputs provides a voltage that is a fixed multiple of the battery voltage; wherein the controller controls the pulse generator circuitry to generate a first pulse for stimulation of the patient using a first output of the multiple outputs and controls the pulse generator circuitry to generate a second pulse to discharge output capacitors of residual charge from the first pulse using a second output of the multiple outputs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 17, 2010
    Date of Patent: May 24, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Anthony J Varrichio, Benjamin A Tranchina
  • Patent number: 7949410
    Abstract: In one embodiment, an apparatus for securing a lead within a burr hole comprises: an annular body structure adapted to be at least partially inserted within the burr hole; a lead retainer structure mechanically coupled to the annular body structure and adapted to be rotated along an inner perimeter of the annular body structure; the lead retainer structure including a lead engaging member for capturing the lead, wherein the lead engaging member pivots relative to the lead retainer structure; and a fixation member that is adapted to lock the lead retainer structure in place after the lead has been captured by the lead engaging member.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 4, 2007
    Date of Patent: May 24, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: Daniel Rodriguez
  • Patent number: 7949401
    Abstract: Electromagnetic signal delivery for tissue affected by neuronal dysfunction, degradation, damage, and/or necrosis, and associated systems and methods are disclosed. A method in accordance with one embodiment of the invention includes identifying an affected region, with the affected region including neuronal tissue that, at least during a pre-dysfunctional period, was in neural communication with neuronal tissue in a dysfunctional region. The affected tissue can be functionally adversely affected by neuronal dysfunction in the dysfunctional region. The method can further include applying electromagnetic signals to the neuronal tissue in the affected region. For example, the electromagnetic signals can be applied to a hypo-active neural region that is not physically damaged, and has been identified as likely to recover at least in part as a result of electromagnetic signals. Signals can be applied at sub-threshold levels to cortical and/or subcortical regions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 6, 2007
    Date of Patent: May 24, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Brad Fowler, Bradford E. Gliner, David Himes
  • Patent number: 7945330
    Abstract: Methods and devices for automatically optimizing the stimulus parameters and/or the configuration of electrodes to provide neural stimulation to a patient. In one embodiment, a system includes an electrode array having an implantable support member configured to be implanted into a patient and a plurality of therapy electrodes carried by the support member. The system can also have a pulse system operatively coupled to the therapy electrodes to deliver a stimulus to the therapy electrodes, and a sensing device configured to be attached to a sensing location of the patient. The sensing device generates response signals in response to the stimulus. The system can also include a controller operatively, coupled to the pulse system and to the sensing device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 2008
    Date of Patent: May 17, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Bradford Evan Gliner, Jeffrey Balzer, Andrew D. Firlik
  • Patent number: 7937145
    Abstract: Described are apparatus and methods for electrically modulating a nerve in a mammal. An electrical signal that includes a signal intensity pattern and a signal frequency pattern is delivered to a nerve. The combination of the signal intensity pattern and the signal frequency pattern is effective to result in weight loss, fat loss, and/or lean-mass gain, in a mammal. In some embodiments the nerve is modulated in response to a physiological parameter. In some embodiments, the physiological parameter is measured by a sensor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 11, 2007
    Date of Patent: May 3, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: John D. Dobak
  • Patent number: D638130
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 2010
    Date of Patent: May 17, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: John H. Erickson, Jazzmyne Buckels, Claudio A. Feler, Tommy Cushing, Stephen L. Goldman
  • Patent number: D644329
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 22, 2010
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2011
    Assignee: Advanced Neuromodulation Systems, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard B. North, Terry D. Daglow, Stephen L. Goldman