Patents Assigned to Albany International Corp.
  • Patent number: 5875822
    Abstract: An on-machine-seamable (OMS.RTM.) papermakers' fabric produced by modified endless weaving includes machine-direction (MD) and cross-machine direction (CD) yarns. The MD yarns are plied/twisted yarns, and weave continuously back-and-forth between the two widthwise edges of the fabric, each time forming a seaming loop at one of the two widthwise edges. A seaming spiral, a monofilament spiral preferably extruded from a polyamide resin, is attached to the seaming loops at each of the two widthwise edges. The two seaming spirals are used to join the fabric into endless form with a pin seam. In this way, an OMS.RTM. papermakers' fabric, having plied/twisted yarns in the machine direction is provided with monofilament joining means which maintain proper orientation and shape for the ready pin seaming of the fabric on a papermachine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 25, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 2, 1999
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Patrick Fargeout
  • Patent number: 5853493
    Abstract: The present invention provides a method of removing contaminants from industrial process fabrics relying upon cryogenic techniques, wherein the fabric is impacted with solid particles of carbon dioxide. A cryoblaster projects the carbon dioxide particles at the fabric. The cryoblaster scans over the entirety of the fabric at a scanning rate particle velocity, and particle flow rate in order to insure that the fabric is cleaned without suffering any damage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 1997
    Date of Patent: December 29, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: John Skelton, Salvatore Panarello, Dana Burton Eagles
  • Patent number: 5840777
    Abstract: A method of producing a polysaccharide foam is provided. The method comprises mechanically foaming an aqueous solution of a soluble polysaccharide and thereafter reacting the foam to produce stable foam. Typically, the soluble polysaccharide is an alginate, hyaluronate, carrageenans, chitosan or starch.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 1994
    Date of Patent: November 24, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: Dana Burton Eagles, George Bakis, Andrew Bruce Jeffery, Constantinos Mermingis, Thomas Henry Hagoort
  • Patent number: 5837080
    Abstract: A belt for use on a long nip press for dewatering a fibrous web includes a base assembled by spirally winding a prepared structure strip in a plurality of non-overlapping turns. Successive turns are abutted against and joined to those previously wound by sewing or otherwise bonding along the continuous spiral seam thus formed. The prepared structure strip may be a fabric strip woven from lengthwise and crosswise yarns, which may be monofilament yarns of a synthetic polymeric resin. The fabric strip may be of either a single- or multi-layer weave. At least one side of the base, namely, that side which will be on the inside of the belt in its endless loop form, and which slides over the arcuate pressure shoe component of the long nip press during its operation, is coated with a polymeric resin, such as polyurethane, to render it impervious to liquids, and especially to the oil used to lubricate the surface of the arcuate pressure shoe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 6, 1996
    Date of Patent: November 17, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Erik Wilhelm Grondahl
  • Patent number: 5833898
    Abstract: A method for manufacturing a resin-impregnated endless belt structure is carried out on an apparatus having an outer cylinder having an inner cylindrical surface coaxial with a smaller radius cylindrical mandrel. An endless base structure for the endless belt structure is disposed within the outer cylinder on the inner cylindrical surface. The cylindrical mandrel, having an inwardly curved nose, is then inserted into the outer cylinder forming a nip of converging geometry between the nose and the inner cylindrical surface. Polymeric resin material is dispensed continuously into the nip while the cylindrical mandrel is gradually moved completely into the outer cylinder. The nose forces the polymeric resin material into the endless base structure, and air bubbles out, while forcing the endless base structure against the inner cylindrical surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 10, 1996
    Date of Patent: November 10, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: William H. Dutt
  • Patent number: 5829488
    Abstract: A dryer fabric for use in a dryer section having a closed transfer in a papermaking machine. The dryer fabric has a structure of woven threads with one side, called the paper side, being adapted to support and abut against a paper web in the dryer section. At least some of the threads contacting against the paper web are hydrophilic, thereby providing for adhesion between the dryer fabric and the paper web.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 3, 1996
    Date of Patent: November 3, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: Lars Fagerholm, William A. Luciano
  • Patent number: 5799708
    Abstract: A papermaker's fabric includes a system of machine-direction (MD) yarns interwoven with a system of cross-machine direction (CD) yarns. The MD yarns are pairs of a first MD yarn and a second MD yarn. The first and second MD yarns are of a substantially rectangular cross section having identical width and thickness. The first and second MD yarns of each pair weave side-by-side as a single yarn with the CD yarns through the fabric. The CD yarns are of circular cross section. The fabric has a permeability to air less than 150 cubic feet per minute per square foot at 0.5 inch H.sub.2 O-pressure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 11, 1996
    Date of Patent: September 1, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Michael J. Josef
  • Patent number: 5798166
    Abstract: The insulating fiber includes regular synthetic fiber batting which is additionally shaped with ridges and/or peaks to allow the use of the inherent mechanical strength of the fiber to create large or macro-scale pockets of dead air space without a proportional increase in weight.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 26, 1996
    Date of Patent: August 25, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Brian Gross
  • Patent number: 5792323
    Abstract: A belt for use on a long nip press for dewatering a fibrous web includes a base assembled by spirally winding a prepared structure strip in a plurality of non-overlapping turns. Successive turns are abutted against and joined to those previously wound by sewing or otherwise bonding along the continuous spiral seam thus formed. The prepared structure strip may be a fabric strip woven from lengthwise and crosswise yarns, which may be monofilament yarns of a synthetic polymeric resin. The fabric strip may be of either a single- or multi-layer weave. At least one side of the base, namely, that side which will be on the inside of the belt in its endless loop form, and which slides over the arcuate pressure shoe component of the long nip press during its operation, is coated with a polymeric resin, such as polyurethane, to render it impervious to liquids, and especially to the oil used to lubricate the surface of the arcuate pressure shoe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 7, 1995
    Date of Patent: August 11, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Erik Wilhelm Grondahl
  • Patent number: 5789052
    Abstract: Methods for closing a seam in a paper processing belt having a coating of polymeric resin material require the covering of the seam on the uncoated side of the belt with an encapsulating material, so that the seam will have compression properties substantially identical to those of use of the remainder of the belt. In one method, a viscous paste obtained by mixing a polymeric resin material with a blowing agent is used. Following installation of the fabric, or belt, on a paper machine by closing its pin seam with a pintle, the seam region on the non-paper side of the fabric or belt is impregnated with the viscous paste. The seam region is then heated to a temperature to activate the blowing agent and to create a foam from the paste. The foam fills voids in the seam region, and may pass out through the slit in the coating over the seam. Raising the temperature further cures the foam and may glue the slit closed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 25, 1995
    Date of Patent: August 4, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: Lawrence G. Miller, Robin Lotti-Fassnacht, Henry M. Cooke
  • Patent number: 5772848
    Abstract: A resin-impregnated endless belt for a long nip press or calender of the shoe type has a base fabric in the form of a multilayer braided structure wherein each of the constituent layers are connected to those adjacent thereto by at least one interlocking yarn to inhibit interlayer delamination. The base fabric is in the form of an endless loop, at least the inner surface of which is coated with a polymeric resin material, such as polyurethane. The polymeric resin material impregnates the structure of the base fabric, rendering it impermeable to oil and water.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 3, 1996
    Date of Patent: June 30, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: William H. Dutt
  • Patent number: 5769131
    Abstract: An on-machine-seamable papermakers' fabric having a smooth surface and a prolonged life includes flat machine-direction yarns which define the upper and lower surfaces thereof. The fabric has two layers of cross-machine direction yarns, each of which is interwoven with the flat machine-direction yarns. Other machine-direction yarns, of round cross section, weave with the cross-machine-direction yarns in the two layers to bind the two layers together. The knuckles of these round machine-direction yarns are within the fabric with respect to the planes defined by the flat machine-direction yarns, and, and a consequence, are less susceptible to degradation by heat and abrasion. The papermakers' fabric is seamed into endless form during installation on a paper machine. At one of the two ends of the fabric, seaming loops are formed by the round machine-direction yarns. At the other of the two ends, seaming loops are formed by the flat machine-direction yarns.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 16, 1997
    Date of Patent: June 23, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: Sharon K. Whitlock, Michael J. Josef
  • Patent number: 5753085
    Abstract: A long nip press belt for a papermaking machine has a textile substrate impregnated and coated on at least one side with a polymeric resin material. The polymeric resin material is ground and buffed after being cured to provide the belt with a smooth surface and a uniform thickness. The textile substrate includes textile components (monofilaments, continuous fine filaments or staple fibers) having non-circular cross sections with a plurality of lobes. Such cross sections provide the textile components with a greater surface area than would be provided by components of equal denier having circular cross sections. As a consequence, the mechanical interlock and chemical bond or adhesion of the polymeric resin coating to the textile substrate are strengthened. In addition, the textile components having non-circular cross-sections with a plurality of lobes reduce the permeability of the textile substrate, so that polymeric resin material applied to one side may be prevented from flowing through to the other side.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 11, 1996
    Date of Patent: May 19, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Keith FitzPatrick
  • Patent number: 5732749
    Abstract: A laminated integrally woven on-machine-seamable papermaker's fabric includes two single-layer woven fabric plies sharing a common machine-direction (MD) yarn. The common MD yarn, which is the weft yarn on the loom during the weaving of the fabric by a modified endless weaving technique, forms seaming loops which join the plies to one another at the ends thereof. The fabric may be needled with a batt of staple fiber material. During the weaving of the press fabric, solvent-removable binder yarns join the two plies, which are accordingly integrally woven. When the weaving is completed, the solvent-removable binder yarns are removed through dissolution with an appropriate solvent, yielding the laminated structure. A batt of staple fiber material may be needled into and through the laminated structure. The papermaker's fabric may be used as a forming, press or dryer fabric, or as a base for a polymer-coated, paper industry process belt, such as a long nip press, sheet-transfer or calender belt.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 1997
    Date of Patent: March 31, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Patrick Fargeout
  • Patent number: 5713398
    Abstract: A papermaker's fabric includes a system of machine-direction (MD) yarns interwoven with a system of cross-machine direction (CD) yarns. The MD yarns are pairs of a first MD yarn and a second MD yarn. The first MD yarn and the second MD yarn in each pair are different from one another. The first MD yarn is of a substantially rectangular cross section having a preselected width and thickness. The second MD yarn may be either of a substantially rectangular cross section or of a circular cross section. If of a substantially rectangular cross section, the second MD yarn is narrower than the first MD yarn. The thickness, or diameter, of the second MD yarn is less than that of the first MD yarn. The first and second MD yarns of each pair weave side-by-side as a single yarn with the CD yarns through the fabric.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 2, 1996
    Date of Patent: February 3, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Michael J. Josef
  • Patent number: 5713399
    Abstract: A method for manufacturing a papermaker's fabric by spirally winding a woven fabric strip, narrower than the intended width of the fabric, and the papermaker's fabric manufactured in accordance with the method, are disclosed. The fabric strip includes lengthwise and crosswise yarns, and has a lateral fringe along at least one lateral edge thereof, the lateral fringe being unbound ends of the crosswise yarns extending beyond the lateral edge. During the spiral winding of the fringed strip, the lateral fringe of a turn overlies or underlies an adjacent turn of the strip. The lateral edges of adjacent turns abut against one another. The spirally continuous seam so obtained is closed by ultrasonically welding or bonding the overlying or underlying lateral fringe to the fabric strip in an adjacent turn.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 7, 1997
    Date of Patent: February 3, 1998
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: A. Leon Collette, James G. Donovan, Henry M. Cooke, Bodil Jonasson
  • Patent number: 5601877
    Abstract: A method for closing a seam in a paper processing belt having a coating of polymeric resin material requires the use of a viscous paste obtained by mixing a polymeric resin material with a blowing agent. Following installation of the fabric, or belt, on a paper machine by closing its pin seam with a pintle, the seam region on the non-paper side of the fabric or belt is impregnated with the viscous paste. The seam region is then heated to a temperature to activate the blowing agent and to create a foam from the paste. The foam fills voids in the seam region, and may pass out through the slit in the coating over the seam. Raising the temperature further cures the foam and may glue the slit closed. The belt so seamed may be used as a transfer belt or long nip press (LNP) belt, or in other paper processing applications.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 1994
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1997
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: Lawrence G. Miller, Robin Lotti-Fassnacht, Henry M. Cooke
  • Patent number: 5546643
    Abstract: A method for reducing or eliminating forming fabric edge curl includes slitting or scoring the knuckles formed by cross-machine direction yarns on the long-shute knuckle side of a papermaker's forming fabric. The knuckles are scored or slit to a depth no greater than half the diameter of the cross-machine direction yarns. At least one such slit or score is provided per knuckle. The scoring or slitting has the effect of bringing the ratio between the shrink forces acting on the two sides of the forming fabric in the cross-machine direction closer to unity, and, in turn, reduces or eliminates the edge curl resulting from shrinkage in the cross-machine direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 6, 1995
    Date of Patent: August 20, 1996
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: John M. Hawes, Joe W. Sims, Don Lee
  • Patent number: 5525410
    Abstract: A papermaker's fabric for the press section of a papermachine is woven from a multistrand yarn composed of filaments having diameters in the range from 0.04 mm to 0.18 mm. The multistrand yarn may be used singly or plied. The filaments are in a diameter range between those traditionally used for multifilament yarns and monofilament yarns. The fabrics woven from the multistrand yarns have compressibilities of fabrics woven from multifilament yarns and the cleanliness and openness of fabrics woven from monofilament yarns.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 24, 1995
    Date of Patent: June 11, 1996
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventor: Robert A. Hansen
  • Patent number: 5508094
    Abstract: A press fabric for use on the press section of a paper machine has a multilayer structure, and is woven according to techniques normally applied in the weaving of forming fabrics. The press fabric is woven from at least one system of warp yarns and two or more layers of weft yarns, with the yarn sizes and weave patterns chosen with a view toward providing the resulting press fabric with a fine paper-contacting surface, and ample void volume. One of the two or more layers of weft yarns includes, or is entirely composed of, multicomponent yarns having a plurality of load-bearing members. The multicomponent yarns may be multifilament or multistrand yarns composed of fine filaments, or may be polyurethane-coated monofilament yarns, and provide the press fabrics with a compressible and resilient structure. The multifilament or multistrand yarns may also be polyurethane-coated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 16, 1994
    Date of Patent: April 16, 1996
    Assignee: Albany International Corp.
    Inventors: William M. McCarthy, Ebo E. Dam, Wil F. van Bergen, Keith Fitzpatrick