Abstract: An apparatus for exercise has a frame structure for hand holding standing up on a restrained universal mount fixed on a platform. A coil spring in compression and a stretched elastic cord laced around in tension restrains the universal mount providing adequate force for restoring the frame structure to its normal vertical position except as the user of the device deflected from that position. A two-axis sensor at the pivot center within the universal mount provides electrical inputs to a computer game programmed for video display. The position of the structure determines the direction of activity and the deflection specifies the amount of exertion input within the framework of a computer program for simulation of any of a variety of existing and new sports. The characteristics of the universal mount offer the player a challenge in terms of muscular strength, coordination and body balance.
December 14, 1983
Date of Patent:
April 28, 1987
Allen Schwab, Richard Schwab, Michael Jacoabs, William R. Woodward