Abstract: Apparatus and method for decontaminating radioactive materials by stimulating the atomic system of radioactive materials. The stimulus is kept applied to the radioactive materials for a predetermined time. In this way, the rate of decay of the radioactivity of the materials is greatly accelerated and the materials are thereby decontaminated at a rate much faster than normal. The stimulus can be applied to the radioactive materials placing them within the sphere or terminal of a Van de Graaff generator and allowing them to be subjected to the electrical potential of the generator, such as in the range of 50 kilovolts to 500 kilovolts, for at least a period of 30 minutes or more.
Abstract: Accelerated decay of radioactive materials is used for power production. In the method of this invention an alpha-emitting radioactive material is placed in a region. The region is selected so that when a negative potential is applied to the region, enhanced alpha decay of the radioactive material results. The energy of the alpha decay particles is captured and converted to thermal energy.