Abstract: A seating assist device including a base member, a seat member for receiving a person to a seated position, a main spring for simultaneously acting as a hinge between the base member and the seat means, and exerting a resilient force biasing the seat member away from the base member, and an arrangement for adjusting the resilient force of the main spring including at least one helper spring sized for close fitting relation with the main spring. An adjustable spring assembly having a main spring with a generally C-shaped portion, at least one helper spring sized for close fitting relation with the main spring for varying the resilient force of the assembly, and means for securing the helper spring to the main spring including a pair of guides on opposite ends of the C-shaped portion and a pair of corresponding grooves on the helper spring for frictionally contacting the guides when the helper spring is manually inserted within the C-shaped portion, is also disclosed.
February 7, 1986
Date of Patent:
August 25, 1987
Henry E. Allen, Carl White, Jr., Mortimer Schwartz, Andrew Ziolkowski