Patents Assigned to ARRIS Enterprise, Inc.
  • Patent number: 8819606
    Abstract: Devices, systems and methods of this disclosure can provide integrated circuit devices operating above their specified operating temperate. The integrated circuit device can include functional blocks with power down circuitry and functional test blocks with built in self-test capabilities (BIST). The functional blocks can be implemented with timing constraint values to provide a timing margin for the device above a specified operation temperature. The functional test blocks can be implemented with timing constraint values that result in BIST failure when the device is operated above the specified operation temperature. As the temperature of the device rises above the operating temperature the functional test blocks can fail BIST prior to loss of functionality of the functional blocks. Upon BIST failure of the functional test blocks, circuitry in the functional blocks can be powered down to facilitate continued operation of the device with reduced functionality.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 26, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 26, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Tauheed Ashraf
  • Patent number: 8804754
    Abstract: A system and method for transmitting and presenting streaming digital information signals that optimizes performance in the context of goodput, throughput, delay, receiver buffer requirements and tolerance to loss and jitter. The method provides ordering packets of information based on a priority associated with each of the packets; managing the flow of the packets into and out of a buffer; adjusting the rate at which the packets are provided to a communication medium; and transmitting and retransmitting the packets as needed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 2012
    Date of Patent: August 12, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc
    Inventors: Junfeng Bai, Raghupathy Sivakumar, Nikil Jayant
  • Patent number: 8806553
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatus can be used to prioritize channel scanning. In various implementations, a nonvolatile memory on a CPE device can store downstream channels that a CPE device previously identified as being used by a headend. In some implementations, the nonvolatile memory can be organized or arranged such that DOCSIS 3.0 channels receive preference upon initialization. In other implementations, the selection of the channels from nonvolatile memory can be prioritized to select DOCSIS 3.0 channels over other types of channels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 19, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 12, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Russell Crisp
  • Patent number: 8792339
    Abstract: A cable modem termination system (CMTS) is adapted to move particular traffic flows to a different priority service flow. The CMTS includes detection logic, or is coupled to detection logic, to detect the presence of particular traffic, logic to establish a different priority service flow between a cable modem termination system and a cable modem, and flow control logic to direct a given packet on to the different priority service flow if the given packet contains information that matches one or more classifiers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 11, 2008
    Date of Patent: July 29, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: David R Evans
  • Patent number: 8792634
    Abstract: An induced loss value is retrieved from a configuration file of an MTA device. The loss value is provided to a signal generator that generates call progress/alerting signals and FSK signals in the MTA telephony device. To mitigate the imbalance between incoming voice signal levels and call progress/alerting signals that may occur because the call progress/alerting signals are not generated at a level equal to that of the incoming voice signals, the loss/attenuation amount from the configuration file is used to adjust the levels of the generated call progress/alerting and FSK signals by a corresponding amount before they are attenuated along with the incoming voice signals.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 16, 2006
    Date of Patent: July 29, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Wade Carter, Rick Morris, Kristi Helton
  • Patent number: 8788647
    Abstract: Systems and methods can be operable to provide improved load balancing for network devices. In some implementations, such systems and methods can operate to create success list and/or fail list for use in optimizing improved load balancing for network devices. In other implementations, such systems and methods can also operate to manage and remove entries from success list and/or fail list. The success list and/or fail list can be used to optimize load balancing thereby reducing or preventing interruption in service to customers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 29, 2011
    Date of Patent: July 22, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Steven Paul Nolle, Brian Jay Barker, Keith Olsen
  • Patent number: 8780709
    Abstract: Bandwidth is assigned to subscribers of a data network by applying logic of one or more network devices to sample bits of information communicated over a network communication medium to identify if there is a network congestion condition or an extremely lightly loaded condition. The maximum bandwidth assigned to a subscriber is below a normative maximum bandwidth assigned to the subscriber if the network is congested and the logic of the one or more network devices identifies the subscriber as a heavy bandwidth user. The maximum bandwidth assigned to a subscriber is above the normative maximum bandwidth if the network is extremely lightly loaded and the subscriber is a heavy bandwidth user.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 20, 2009
    Date of Patent: July 15, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Ayham Al-Banna, Carol Ansley, Thomas J. Cloonan, Jeff Howe
  • Patent number: 8761367
    Abstract: A device containing an MTA, executing a connection deletion method, determines that a connection at one of its endpoints may be abandoned after a predetermined amount of time after an on-hook event following a first call. If the MTA determines that the CMS it is coupled to has begun managing a new, or second, call, the MTA, sends a message to the CMTS it is coupled to requesting deletion of the first call, and the resources associated with it. The MTA also sends a message to the CMS requesting deletion of the connection at the endpoint of the MTA device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2007
    Date of Patent: June 24, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: William C. Hare, Jr., Angela Katharine Lyda
  • Patent number: 8740647
    Abstract: Apparatus and methods can provide for reduced crosstalk in a conductive body connector. In some implementations, such apparatus and methods can include applying or embedding a selectively resistive material between channel elements to reduce return ground current sharing. The selectively resistive material can operate to increase the effective resistance between channels and thereby reduce crosstalk.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 2, 2011
    Date of Patent: June 3, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Gregory J. Cyr
  • Patent number: 8737424
    Abstract: Provided are methods and systems for substituting programs within an existing multi program transport stream (MPTS). Methods can include identifying a first packet associated with a first input program, determining if the first packet is a packet to be replaced, substituting a second packet for the first packet if the first packet is the packet to be replaced, and applying a timestamp at the stream processor to the second packet with a time for the second input program.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 2007
    Date of Patent: May 27, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: John Hartung
  • Publication number: 20140143575
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatuses can be operable to facilitate transitioning an node to and from a power-saving mode. A mixed network comprising devices having different protocols and/or specifications can communicate with each other and outdated or legacy devices can utilize power-saving modes possessed by updated devices.
    Type: Application
    Filed: November 19, 2013
    Publication date: May 22, 2014
    Applicant: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Carol Ansley
  • Patent number: 8730950
    Abstract: Systems and methods can include converting multi-channel circuit switched voice data to packet-switched voice over internet protocol (VoIP). A multi-channel connection originating from one or more customer premise equipment private branch exchanges can be terminated at a channel to packet gateway device. Call data originating from multiple customer premise equipment telephony devices can be received through the multi-channel connection associated with the one or more customer premise equipment private branch exchanges, and can be processed at the channel to packet gateway device responsive to call control instruction information. The payload data associated with the call data can be packaged according to predetermined packaging rules and transmitted according to VoIP.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 2012
    Date of Patent: May 20, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Carol Ansley
  • Patent number: 8731079
    Abstract: Methods and apparatuses are provided for increasing the frequency resolution of a multi-channel QAM modulator and using a novel IDFT/IFFT and polyphase filter bank architecture to provide a more computationally efficient and high density multi-channel QAM modulator. The implementations of the improved multi-channel QAM modulator modulate QAM symbol streams onto respective carrier signals where the frequency of each carrier signal is an integer multiple of a fraction of the input sample rate of the respective QAM symbol stream. The modulated carriers are then combined using a novel IDFT/IFFT and polyphase filter bank architecture.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 5, 2011
    Date of Patent: May 20, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Zhuan Ye
  • Publication number: 20140119732
    Abstract: Disclosed are techniques for timing correction for a DOCSIS Edge-QAM. Unlike the DTI required at the headend in existing solutions for DOCSIS Edge-QAM timing, the disclosed techniques may use an Edge-QAM timing deeper in to the network. The N-QAM, referring to an Edge-QAM that is deeper in the network, may be in the optical node configured to convert signals from a network headend or hub for delivery to a subscriber network element. The N-QAM device located in the node may include a local clock for deriving a local time for incoming transport streams, modulating the transport streams onto a downstream carrier for delivery to subscriber network elements using the local clock time, and adjusting the local clock time based on an average value of timestamps in the incoming transport streams.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 4, 2013
    Publication date: May 1, 2014
    Applicant: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Dean A. Stoneback, Nagesh S. Nandiraju
  • Patent number: 8701140
    Abstract: A broadband data broadcast system that allows rich multimedia content to be delivered to a plurality of subscribers is disclosed. The broadband data broadcast system operates by multiplexing a plurality of rich multimedia digital information streams together at a centralized data broadcast center. The data broadcast center then broadcasts the multiplexed digital information stream on a broadcast medium such as satellite broadcasts, radio frequency broadcasts, or digital television broadcasts. A large number of receiver systems receive the broadcast signal and demodulate the broadcast signal to retrieve the multiplexed digital stream. The receiver system extracts a subset of digital information streams that the particular receiver system's owner has designated are of interest. The receiver system caches the interesting digital information stream for later access. The receiver system outputs the interesting digital information streams to a client system upon demand.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 1, 2005
    Date of Patent: April 15, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Tsutomu Shimomura, Steve Waltman, Mark Peting, Castor Fu, Dag H. Johansen, Geoff Mulligan
  • Publication number: 20140096166
    Abstract: Methods, systems, and apparatuses can be operable to facilitate pausing playback of recorded multimedia or live television on a multimedia player and resuming playback from the pause point on the same or a different multimedia player. A user can pause a channel on a multimedia player and resume play of the paused channel on a different multimedia player. A user can pause a channel on a multimedia player and tune the multimedia player to a different channel without losing content associated with the paused channel.
    Type: Application
    Filed: September 30, 2013
    Publication date: April 3, 2014
    Applicant: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Alan Gordon, John Kneeling, Glen C. Chang
  • Patent number: 8689260
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus are disclosed for efficiently scheduling incoming information objects so that objects with the highest utility factors are scheduled for broadcast. The incoming information objects are preferably received from one or more information sources, and can be tagged with attributes that associate each object with one or more classes of information (e.g., sports, news, etc.), and/or can provide a gauge of the utility of the object. The tags can be used, for example, to select and broadcast objects from a variety of classes, and/or to identify the objects that provide the most utility at any given time.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 17, 2012
    Date of Patent: April 1, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Jonathan K. Tash
  • Patent number: 8675675
    Abstract: A computer-implemented method is disclosed including: receiving a broadcast signal containing a set of multiplexed multimedia channels; storing said multiplexed multimedia channels in a temporary storage buffer on a mass storage device; determining a point in said temporary storage buffer to begin demultiplexing and decoding a first channel responsive to a user request to view a particular program on said first channel in its entirety, said point indicating the start of said program on said first channel; and demultiplexing and decoding said first channel of said set of multiplexed multimedia channels from said point within said temporary storage buffer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 18, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Stephen G. Perlman, Michael Sleator
  • Patent number: 8677276
    Abstract: A method implemented on a multi-tuner receiver system comprises successively displaying a set of visual cards where each visual card of the set of visual cards comprises a graphical representation. A visual card of the set of visual cards is selected, the visual card being associated with a first television program. Based on a characteristic of the selected visual card, a second television program is identified. The second television program is then tuned.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 2012
    Date of Patent: March 18, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Hubert E. Kolde, James A. Billmaier, John M. Kellum, Dewey Reid, Philip Rogan
  • Patent number: 8670668
    Abstract: Methods and apparatuses are provided to digitize an analog multi-channel RF narrowcast signal in an overlay system by dividing the signal into a plurality of subband signals and digitizing each subband signal using practical A/D converters.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 19, 2011
    Date of Patent: March 11, 2014
    Assignee: ARRIS Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventors: Zoran Marlcevic, Zhijian Sun, Marcel F. Schemmann, Dean Painchaud