Abstract: A spring-loaded viscous-material dispensing gun is presented which has a front material receiving portion and a rear drive portion. The front of the gun is loaded with viscous material and snapped into place by means of a locking collar and pins. A spring-driven drive disc then forces the viscous material out the tapered nozzle of the front of the gun. Safety mechanisms are provided to insure that the spring-loaded drive device is locked in place when the front material receiving cylinder is removed. A number of front material receiving cylinders may accompany the rear drive unit so as to insure the continuous ability of the workman to apply caulk or other material during the job.
December 26, 1989
Date of Patent:
September 10, 1991
Arthur Macke
John C. Cathcart, Sr., John Coke, Jr., Roland D. Young, Eugene K. Cathcart, Sr.