Patents Assigned to Asdren Limited
  • Patent number: 4860450
    Abstract: A stripping device for wall coverings such as wallpaper comprising a hand-held casing (1) housing an electric motor, a gearbox (2) driving an output boss (3) on which is mounted a concave cutting blade (4) having a peripheral cutting edge. The gearbox (2) is such as to cause the blade (4) to execute an orbital motion in the general plane of the disc. The device is used by pressing the blade (4) gently against the surface to be stripped whereupon the orbital motion in the plane of the surface causes the covering to be stripped.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 24, 1987
    Date of Patent: August 29, 1989
    Assignee: Asdren Limited
    Inventor: Geoffrey D. Achille