Abstract: A device is disclosed for the heat processing of cables, wires, fibers, and the like which is small, light, and configured to be disposed temporarily directly on the cable to be heated in situ. Typically the device comprises a heat generation element or elements and supporting shells arranged so as to form an elongated cavity, a housing to provide an insulating enclosure around the cable so as to form a heated chamber, temperature sensing means to monitor the heating for closed-loop control, and means to enable the heater to hold itself onto the cable or wire in situ. Power and control means with electrical processing capability are provided to supply power to the heater, monitor the temperature inside the heater cavity, and govern the time and temperature which the device applies to the cable or wire in order to process it, for instance to apply a heat shrink sleeve.
October 18, 2011
Publication date:
April 5, 2012
Simon Peter Bush, Nellie Luna Cabato, Laurence Nathaniel Wesson
Abstract: A fiber optic based probe has been designed to sample the fluorescence or phosphorescence signal from animal or human tissues, such that the light intensity is not multiply scattered. This type of measurement allows a linear detection of the concentration of the luminescent compound non-invasively from the tissue. The basic principle of the fiber probe is to use fiber optics which are smaller in diameter that the average scattering length of the tissue. In order to increase the detected signal to a stronger level, multiple fibers are used by spacing them out on the surface of the tissue so that each fiber samples an isolated section of tissue. Each fiber delivers the excitation light to the tissue, and receives the emission light from the tissue. All fibers are coupled into the same detector to integrate the overall signal. Sampling of the scattered excitation signal intensity is also done to correct for changes in the scattering coefficient between tissues.
August 23, 1999
Date of Patent:
April 23, 2002
Aurora Optics, Inc.
Brian William Pogue, Gregory Charles Burke
Abstract: A fiber optic cable splice means for splicing a fiber optic cable having a pair of fiber retaining elements with an opening for receiving the buffer casing at an end of a fiber optic cable with its bare optic fiber extending therefrom. A cavity within each element provides a fiber deflection chamber for protecting therein the bare optic fiber. The retaining elements are crimped for securing therewith the buffer casing and its optic fiber. A housing or tubular unit has end sections which receive therein a respective one of the retaining elements, and are crimped for securing the retaining elements therewith. An optical fiber alignment means is contained within the unit for aligning and optically joining together the ends of the optic fibers which extend from the retaining elements. The retaining elements may have an insert through which the optic fiber extends for securing the fiber by the crimping of the retaining elements.