Abstract: A method, apparatus, and computer software product to reproduce an input image on a proofing device including accurately reproducing color substantially matching the screening properties of an imaging process that includes screening. The proofer may use a different number of colorants and/or different colorants than the printing colorants of the imaging process. The proofer also may be capable of continuous tone output or may be a screened output device. The proofer also may be a computer screen.
Abstract: Compact linear diode arrays are imaged on linear light modulator arrays by optical systems employing objective asphere/prism segments together with a field lens such that the beams rise in object space or image space, and individual beams are imaged on individual modulator segments with chosen form factors and spacings. More than one laser array can be directed in superimposed fashion onto a single modulator array using laser polarization modes and a polarization beam combiner.
Abstract: A method and system for exposing a light sensitive material using device for forming a row of spots of light onto the light sensitive material located on a focal plane, device for modulating each of the spots according to imaging data so that at any point of time, the row of spots forms a data pattern according to the imaging data, device for generating relative motion between the imaging mechanism and the light sensitive material on the focal plane, the direction of motion substantially parallel to the direction of the row of spots on the light sensitive material; and data synchronizing device for shifting the imaging data into the modulating device at a rate determined by the speed of relative motion to maintain the image of any data pattern substantially stationary on the light sensitive material.
Abstract: This invention relates to high speed digital printing of pages each obtained by merging one or more page elements. A method is disclosed for merging page elements which are stored in a compressed format, the merging substantially in compressed domain to enable the an implementation of the method to perform the merge rapidly, keeping up with a fast printing device. The merging occurs according to a page layout script which specifies the positions and printing order of selected page elements on each page. An apparatus for merging also is disclosed.
November 5, 1997
Date of Patent:
April 11, 2000
Barco Graphics NV
Paul H. Notredame, Eddy H. Debaere, Lieven W. Depuydt, Jan J. Vlietinck
Abstract: A method of imposition proofing of printing data of a document onto a set of proof sheets is described, the document having one or more sections, each proof sheet having a recto side and a verso side, the printing data including imposing information and printing information for positioning and printing a set of pages onto one or more print sheets, each print sheet having two print sheet sides, a verso print sheet side and a recto print sheet side, each print sheet side having at least four pages. The method includes, for each print sheet in the printing data, dividing the pages imposed on each side of the print sheet into printer spreads of two pages, and determining information referencing the printing data, for defining how each printer spread is printed on each side of a proof sheet.
March 25, 1997
Date of Patent:
November 30, 1999
Barco Graphics NV
Antoine Bourdead'hui, Johan Rommelaere, Freddy Pieters