Abstract: A method for the destructive oxidation of toxic organic chemicals to non-toxic product comprises contacting the chemicals with a catalyst in the presence of oxygen. The catalyst comprises certain metals (e.g., manganese or copper) or metal oxides (e.g., nickel oxide or cobalt oxide) impregnated on, or dispersed in alkali metal carbonates or alkali metal bicarbonates.
Abstract: A catalyst for the destructive oxidation of toxic organic chemicals comprises a metal or metal oxide impregnated on, or dispersed in alkaline earth metal carbonate. A method is also provided for destructive oxidation of toxic organic chemicals using such catalyst.
Abstract: A shaftless instrument achieves mixing by a rotor floating on a solution in association with an external magnet or magnetic field. The magnet is driven by a motor located outside of but in close proximity to said instrument. In one embodiment, a feed inlet is located in the vicinity of the lower portion of said instrument and communicates with the bottom interior of said instrument in the vicinity of the rotor location. During operation, a fluid feed supports said rotor a small distance above the instrument bottom and enables it to rotates above the fluid feed location.