Abstract: A system and method for supporting predictive text entry in software applications by sharing a common, predictive, software text-entry widget within a consumer device across multiple software applications and input contexts. The method comprises: a software application invoking an instance of a text-entry widget in a particular input context, the application optionally providing the widget a description of allowed symbols and a dictionary of expected symbol strings associated with the current context, the widget modifying a virtual keyboard display and predictive algorithm data according to the allowed symbols and dictionary, the user entering text via the widget, the widget returning the entered text to the application, and the application optionally including information derived from entered text in the associated dictionary to enhance the predictive capability of the widget on future invocations.
May 7, 2008
Publication date:
November 13, 2008
BIAP , Inc.
Louis P. SLOTHOUBER, Eric H. Davis, Michael K. Young, Jeffrey W. Johnston
Abstract: A method and system for providing personalized information to applications executing on consumer devices by: building a consumer preferences profile on a consumer device using predefined associations between consumer preference attributes and application events (including user input); summarizing the consumer preferences profile into a profile summary when applications require a new personalized data resource; requesting a personalized data resource from a centralized database of data resources over the broadband network by including application context information along with the profile summary in the request; analyzing data resource groups in the centralized database to find a candidate set of data resources according to resource rules in the resource groups; selecting a personalized data resource from the candidate set of data resources that matches the profile summary and context information; and delivering the selected personalized data resource to the requesting application over the broadband network.
May 7, 2008
Publication date:
November 13, 2008
BIAP, Inc.