Abstract: A collaborative presentation and documentation system disclosed herein allows a user to capture information from a projection surface to a document. The system includes a camera and a stylus wherein the camera that captures information from the projection surface and signals generated by a stylus. For example, the information captured from the projection surface includes the changes made with presentation system tools and an image of a document stored on a computer and projected as background. Various co-ordinate points of the projection surface are calibrated to points on the camera view. This allows the information from the captured image to be related to information on the document. The system also performs functions such as saving the captured image to the document, modifying the document, opening a new document, etc., based on signals generated by the stylus.
December 13, 2011
Publication date:
September 13, 2012
Alex Tavakoli, Ibrahim Khoury, Praveen Minumula, Ashok K. Rajpal