Abstract: The invention provides an archival storage system for shielding magnetic media from a full spectrum of electromagnetic fields, static electricity, and humidity. Full spectrum EMF shielding may be achieved by providing the storage container with a continuous conductive layer along or on an interior region of the storage container. Also, shielding against intense, low frequency magnetic fields may be provided by a ferrous metal sheet, separated from the stored magnetic media by an insulator, which has been placed a plane generally perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the reels of a videotape or floppy disk. Further, a moisture seal may be provided to prevent moisture from reaching the stored magnetic media and thereby enhance the longevity of the stored magnetic media, and a desiccant may be provided to maintain or stabilize a low humidity environment within the storage case.
Abstract: The invention provides an archival storage system for shielding magnetic media from a full spectrum of electromagnetic fields, static electricity, and humidity. Full spectrum EMF shielding may be achieved by providing the storage container with a continuous conductive layer along or on an interior region of the storage container. Also, shielding against intense, low frequency magnetic fields may be provided by a ferrous metal sheet, separated from the stored magnetic media by an insulator, which has been placed a plane generally perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the reels of a videotape or floppy disk. Further, a moisture seal may be provided to prevent moisture from reaching the stored magnetic media and thereby enhance the longevity of the stored magnetic media, and a desiccant may be provided to maintain or stabilize a low humidity environment within the storage case.