Abstract: Elastically deformable sheet (18) is bonded, under heat and pressure to a knitted fabric (16). Both the sheet and the knitted fabric (16) are elastically extendable. The sheet is then heat and pressure bonded to a pair of trousers (12) with the clothing of the trousers being extendable. The fibers of the knit (16) allow the clothing of the trousers to extend with the greater elasticity of the sheet (18) subsequently returning the fibers (16) and the clothing to the original shape.
Abstract: Elastically deformable sheet (18) is bonded, under heat and pressure to a knitted fabric (16). Both the sheet and the knitted fabric (16) are elastically extendable. The sheet is then heat and pressure bonded to a pair of trousers (12) with the clothing of the trousers being extendable. The fibres of the knit (16) allow the clothing of the trousers to extend with the greater elasticity of the sheet (18) subsequently returning the fibres (16) and the clothing to the original shape.