Abstract: The present invention relates to a constructive assembly which allows constructing walls that are not necessarily vertical, allows including ventilated regions, and does not require the use of mortar or adhesives. The resulting construction has a high finish quality and this quality does not depend on the skill of the operator in charge of constructing same. This invention is characterized by the combination of rigid profiles distributed in parallel and blocks configured to be readily inserted between the profiles and attached thereto without requiring additional fixing elements.
Abstract: The present invention relates to a constructive assembly for building walls which allow forming wall coverings. Examples of coverings that can be formed with the present invention are façades, party walls and partition walls. The constructive assembly is characterized by being formed by a plurality of cables intended for being arranged under stress in the vertical position, and a plurality of blocks having coupling means for coupling them to cables such that integral joining is assured, forming the wall. Walls thus formed do not require the use of mortar or the need to be built by skilled labor, making it possible to build reformed or new exposed wall faces more easily and in a cleaner and faster manner and, in the case of thin material (tiles), with the certainty that such material will not become detached.