Abstract: Character recognition processing wherein each of a batch of documents is scanned to produce corresponding scan data signals forming a rectilinear data array of binary bits at the intersections of a rectangular coordinate grid. These signals are stored and processed by a recognition algorithm to produce identity signals for recognized characters. Groups of non-recognized characters are presented simultaneously to permit rapid identification by inspection. The identification of recognized characters is verified at high speed by simultaneously presenting the character images as respective groups sorted to have the same recognized identities. High accuracy recognition is assured by including with the stored characters to be verified a number of images of purposely-incorrectly-identified characters, i.e., bogus errors. At the end of predetermined processing segments, such as one batch of documents, the results of verification are examined to determine how many bogus errors were caught by the operator.
Abstract: Character recognition processing wherein each of a batch of documents is scanned to produce corresponding scan data signals forming a rectilinear data array of binary bits at the intersections of a rectangular coordinate grid. These signals are stored and processed by a recognition algorithm to produce identity signals for recognized characters. Groups of non-recognized characters are presented simultaneously to permit rapid identification by inspection. The identification of recognized characters is verified at high speed by simultaneously presenting the character images as respective groups sorted to have the same recognized identities.
Abstract: Character recognition processing wherein each of a batch of documents is scanned to produce corresponding scan data signals forming a rectilinear data array of binary bits at the intersections of a rectangular coordinate grid. These signals are stored and processed by a recognition algorithm to produce identity signals for recognized characters. Groups of non-recognized characters are presented simultaneously to permit rapid identification by inspection. The identification of recognized characters is verified at high speed by simultaneously presenting the character images as respective groups sorted to have the same recognized identities.
Abstract: Apparatus for scanning answer sheets with a series of closely-spaced parallel scan lines to produce scan signals for spots closely-spaced along each scan line, thereby producing a rectilinear data array of binary (black/white) representations at the intersections of a rectangular coordinate grid. Marks on the answer sheet are detected and processed to develop and print-out a score for the examinee by means of a dot-matrix printer. Scan spot signals representing the examinee's name written in prior to the test are used to directly control the dot-matrix printer to reproduce the examinee's name. The scan spot signals representing the name are stored with and physically accompany the test results, so that at any time the score data can be printed out together with the examinee's name.