Abstract: A method to execute a time-bound constraint comprising generating a time-bound constraint record comprising a user id, a transaction, a transaction parameter, a time period, an update time, a rule and a rule accumulator. Receiving a request said request comprising a user identity, a user transaction, and a user transaction parameter. Selecting the time-bound constraint record corresponding to the user identity provided in the request. Determining whether the user transaction and the user transaction parameter in the request correspond with the transaction and the transaction parameter in the time-bound constraint record. Determining whether the time the request is received is within the time period in the time-bound constraint record. Evaluating the rule in the time-bound constraint record. Permitting or denying the request depending upon evaluation of the rule, and updating an audit log depending upon the evaluation of the rule.
Abstract: A method and apparatus for transferring funds online from a customer's account at a first financial institution to a beneficiary's financial institution comprises receiving transaction information comprising a beneficiary's identity, an amount to transfer to the beneficiary's account, and the beneficiary's financial institution's identity. Sending a request to the beneficiary's financial institution, said request comprising the beneficiary's identity and the amount to transfer to the beneficiary's account, and debiting the customer's account at least the amount to transfer to the beneficiary's account if the beneficiary is a customer of the beneficiary's financial institution.