Patents Assigned to Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
  • Patent number: 7476658
    Abstract: The invention relates to a conjugate for treating prokaryotic infections from a transport mediator penetrating the prokaryotic cell membrane and a desired compound to be introduced into the prokaryote and directed thereagainst, which compound is preferably a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) directed against a gene of the prokaryote giving antibiotic resistance.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 2003
    Date of Patent: January 13, 2009
    Assignee: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Offentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Klaus Braun, Isabell Braun, Jürgen Debus, Rudiger Pipkorn, Waldemar Waldeck
  • Publication number: 20080298401
    Abstract: A device and a method for creating a spatial dose distribution in a medium volume (22) are described. A laser system produces laser pulses (12) with a pulse length shorter than 200 fs (femtoseconds) and is capable to be focused to peak intensities greater than 10?18 W/cm?2 (watts per centimeter squared). An electron source (18) is capable of releasing a high-energy electron pulse (20), in particular the electrons having an energy greater than 100 MeV, upon irradiation with said laser pulses (12) propagating into the medium volume (22). The light paths (52, 56,58) of at least some of the laser pulses (12) are adjustable in such a way that high-energy electron pulses (20) are emitted from the irradiated at least one electron source on different trajectories (20,28,60,62) through the medium volume (22) thereby depositing their dose in the medium volume (22) according to a provided pattern.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 20, 2006
    Publication date: December 4, 2008
    Inventors: Jerome Faure, Yannick Glinec, Malka Victor, Thomas Fuchs, Hanitra Szymanowski, Uwe Oelfke
  • Publication number: 20080234185
    Abstract: Disclosed is the use of DMBT1, or of the nucleic acid encoding it, for the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of a patient suffering from a disease caused by an agent, which possesses at least one accessible sulphate and/or at least one accessible phosphate group, uses of DMBT1 as a diagnostic for diagnosing the susceptibility of an individual to sulphate or phosphate groups, as well as methods for diagnosis, prophylaxis or treatment of diseases caused by an agent which possesses at least one accessible sulphate and/or at least one accessible phosphate group.
    Type: Application
    Filed: February 25, 2005
    Publication date: September 25, 2008
    Inventors: Jan Mollenhauer, Caroline End, Stephanie Blaich, Gaby Bergmann, Marcus Renner, Stefan Lyer, Rainer Wittig, Annemarie Poustka, Floris Bikker, Antoon Ligtenberg, Arie Nieuw-Amerongen, Enno Veerman
  • Publication number: 20080138331
    Abstract: A method is described for the diagnosis of an ovarian or endometrial tumor or for a prognosis, characterized in that the L1 level is determined in a patient sample, preferably via an anti L1 antibody, the presence of L1 being an indication of the presence of an ovarian or endometrial tumor or a predisposition for such a tumor. Furthermore, methods for treating of ovarian or endometrial tumors are provided.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 2, 2007
    Publication date: June 12, 2008
    Applicants: Mor Research Applications, Ltd., Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Offentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Peter Altevogt, Mina Fogel
  • Publication number: 20080138329
    Abstract: The present invention relates to compounds according to the general formula wherein the dotted lines denote a single bond which is optionally present, with 2 dotted lines denoting a double bond; wherein, in case no double bond is present and a free valence exists, this valence is occupied by H; and wherein the symbols have the meanings defined in the text, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and which lend themselves for the manufacture of drugs useful in the inhibtion of DNA methylation, the inhibition of DNA methyltransferases, and may therefore be useful for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals for the treatment of developmental disorders such as Prader-Willi-Syndrome, Angelman-Syndrome (Happy Puppet Syndrome), Beckwith-Wiedemann-Syndrome, and proliferative diseases, such as coronary restenosis and neoplastic diseases, particularly colon carcinoma, familiary adenomatous polyposis carcinoma and hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, prostate carcinoma, melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, acu
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 8, 2005
    Publication date: June 12, 2008
    Applicants: DKFZ Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, INSTITUTE OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS PAS
    Inventors: Regine Garcia Boy, Frank Lyko, Pawel Siedlecki
  • Publication number: 20080139927
    Abstract: The present invention relates to an implantable chamber (1) with a connecting element (2), comprising a connecting sleeve (6) and a surrounding contact surface (7), an insert element (3), comprising an insert sleeve (8) and a surrounding abutment surface (9). The insert sleeve (8) is inserted into the connecting sleeve (6) of the connecting element (2). The implantable chamber (1) further comprises a cap (4) with a surrounding edge (11), the cap (4) partly covering the connecting element (2) and the insert element (3), leaving an opening (13) on one side. The implantable chamber (1) contains a passive resonance circuit (14) with an inductance and a capacitance, the passive resonance circuit (14) surrounding at least part of a cavity (15) inside the insert element (3).
    Type: Application
    Filed: January 10, 2006
    Publication date: June 12, 2008
    Inventors: Michael Bock, Reiner Umathum, Norbert Fusenig, Margaretha Muller, Fabian Kiessling
  • Patent number: 7361356
    Abstract: Recombinant papillomavirus capsid proteins that are capable of self assembly into capsomer structures and viral capsids that comprise conformational antigenic epitopes are provided. The capsomer structures and viral capsids, consisting of the capsid proteins that are expression products of a bovine, monkey or human papillomavirus L1 conformational coding sequence proteins, can be prepared as vaccines to induce a high titer neutralizing antibody response in vertebrate animals. The self assembling capsid proteins can also be used as elements of diagnostic immunoassay procedures for papillomavirus infection.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 9, 2006
    Date of Patent: April 22, 2008
    Assignees: The United States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, The German Cancer Research Center
    Inventors: Douglas R. Lowy, John T. Schiller, Reinhard Kirnbauer
  • Patent number: 7354714
    Abstract: A vaccine against disease caused by papilloma viruses is described in certain embodiments, as well as certain vectors, obtainable by the following methods: (a) one or more expression vectors that contain the DNA code for a structural protein of papilloma viruses or a fragment thereof are injected into mammals, whereby in at least some of the expression vectors randomly generated heterologous sequences are inserted into the DNA code (b) serums are obtained from the mammals and these are tested for the presence of antibodies against particles of various papilloma virus types, and (c) using the serums tested, the structural protein gene clones are identified that code for a polyvalent vaccine, and (d) the vaccine is produced from them. Procedures for producing a vaccine is also described, together with its use for vaccination against diseases caused by papilloma viruses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 13, 2004
    Date of Patent: April 8, 2008
    Assignee: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Öffentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Lutz Gissmann, Kai Pohlmeyer, Martin Müller
  • Publication number: 20080033452
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method for navigation during medical interventions on tubular organ structures, characterized in that, before the intervention, static image data of the tubular organ structures are recorded and stored, the tubular organ structures are extracted from the image data and their course is converted into a geometric description used during the medical intervention for instrument/organ recording, and the instrument that is spatially localized by a tracking system is successively corrected in relation to the static data, by a transformation that is preferably defined by an optimization method, taking into account the geometric description and information on the previous distance covered by the instrument, or, conversely, the static data are successively corrected in relation to the instrument position, and thus the position of the instrument is associated with the anatomical structures in the static image data.
    Type: Application
    Filed: March 3, 2005
    Publication date: February 7, 2008
    Applicant: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
    Inventors: Marcus Vetter, Ivo Wolf, Ingmar Wegner, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Heinrich Becker
  • Patent number: 7320861
    Abstract: A vaccine against disease caused by papilloma viruses is described in certain embodiments, as well as certain vectors, obtainable by the following methods: (a) one or more expression vectors that contain the DNA code for a structural protein of papilloma viruses or a fragment thereof are injected into mammals, whereby in at least some of the expression vectors randomly generated heterologous sequences are inserted into the DNA code (b) serums are obtained from the mammals and these are tested for the presence of antibodies against particles of various papilloma virus types, and (c) using the serums tested, the structural protein gene clones are identified that code for a polyvalent vaccine, and (d) the vaccine is produced from them. Procedures for producing a vaccine is also described, together with its use for vaccination against diseases caused by papilloma viruses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 26, 2002
    Date of Patent: January 22, 2008
    Assignee: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Oeffentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Lutz Gissmann, Kai Pohlmeyer, Martin Müller
  • Patent number: 7314922
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a novel gene family for “cutaneous T-cell lymphoma associated genes” (CTAGE). The present invention describes two members of said family, CTAGE-1 and CTAGE-2, the underlying genes thereof and the use thereof for diagnosis and treatment of tumoral diseases.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 13, 2000
    Date of Patent: January 1, 2008
    Assignee: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum
    Inventors: Stefan Eichmuller, Dirk Schadendorf, Dirk Usener
  • Publication number: 20070244061
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a composition useful for the diagnosis of diseases associated with aberrant expression of the genes encoding the secreted proteins Futrin 1, 2, 3 and/or 4(=R-Spondin 2, 3, 1 and 4, respectively), e.g. in connection with tumors or diseases of the muscle, kidneys or bones. The present invention also relates to a pharmaceutical composition containing a compound which is capable of modifying (a) the expression of the gene encoding Futrin 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 or (b) the activity of the Futrin 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 protein.
    Type: Application
    Filed: October 8, 2004
    Publication date: October 18, 2007
    Inventors: Christof Niehrs, Wei Wu, Andrey Glinka, Olga Kazanskaya
  • Publication number: 20070242796
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method for producing computer tomography images from limited data of a region of interest of an image object which can be subject to changes, comprising the steps of a) producing a first computer tomography image of the region of interest (source image) by acquiring a sufficient set of projection data and using a standard CT-image reconstruction technique, b) selecting at least one transformation function depending on expected changes of the image object, c) acquiring CT-data of the image object from a limited number of projections under a limited range of observation angles, d) reconstructing a new image of the region of interest (target image) by an iterative procedure starting from the source image of the region of interest, deforming the source image by using the transformation function and optimizing the target image in view of the acquired CT-data from the limited number of projections.
    Type: Application
    Filed: July 15, 2005
    Publication date: October 18, 2007
    Inventors: Valeriy Vengrinovich, Yuri Denkevich, Wolfgang Schlegel, Bernd Hesse
  • Patent number: 7267825
    Abstract: This invention relates to a parvovirus vector having a parvovirus DNA excisable from the vector DNA in a parvovirus-permissive cell, the parvovirus DNA having a left terminus which comprises a parvovirus minimal origin of replication, and a system comprising the parvovirus vector. Furthermore, this invention concerns a method of producing the parvovirus vector, parvoviral particles as well as their use.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 14, 1999
    Date of Patent: September 11, 2007
    Assignees: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des offentlichen Rechts, Yale University
    Inventors: Jean Rommelaere, Peter Tattersall
  • Publication number: 20070196339
    Abstract: Described are DNA sequences encoding an E6 or E7 fusion protein of HPV, wherein said DNA sequences are characterized by a combination of the following features: original codons are exchanged by codons which lead to an enhanced translation in a mammalian cell, they contain a deletion resulting in the production of a truncated non-functional protein, and they encode a fusion partner which is a highly immunogenic polypeptide capable of enhancing the immunogenicity of the E6 or E7 protein in the mammalian host. Furthermore, the modified E6 or E7 protein encoded by said DNA sequences as well as expression vectors containing said DNA sequences are described as well as several uses of the these compounds.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 10, 2007
    Publication date: August 23, 2007
    Applicant: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Offentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Angel Cid-Arregui, Harald Zur Hausen
  • Publication number: 20070190074
    Abstract: Described are DNA sequences encoding an E6 or E7 fusion protein of HPV, wherein said DNA sequences are characterized by a combination of the following features: original codons are exchanged by codons which lead to an enhanced translation in a mammalian cell, they contain a deletion resulting in the production of a truncated non-functional protein, and they encode a fusion partner which is a highly immunogenic polypeptide capable of enhancing the immunogenicity of the E6 or E7 protein in the mammalian host. Furthermore, the modified E6 or E7 protein encoded by said DNA sequences as well as expression vectors containing said DNA sequences are described as well as several uses of the these compounds.
    Type: Application
    Filed: April 10, 2007
    Publication date: August 16, 2007
    Applicant: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Offentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Angel Cid-Arregui, Harald Zur Hausen
  • Patent number: 7239400
    Abstract: The invention relates to a method and an apparatus for measuring the position and the orientation of an interventional device within a magnetic resonance imaging apparatus, the magnetic resonance image apparatus providing a static magnetic field B0 and magnetic field gradients with known magnetic flux densities and directions. The invention includes attaching a Faraday sensor to the interventional device, the Faraday sensor being connected to an optical measuring device. The method also includes using the optical measuring device for measuring the rotation of the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light in the Faraday sensor, while exposing the interventional device: (i) to the static magnetic field B0, and (ii) to the field gradients in all three directions of space in addition to the static magnetic field B0.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 12, 2004
    Date of Patent: July 3, 2007
    Assignee: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung Des öffentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Michael Bock, Reiner Umathum, Hans-Joachim Zabel
  • Patent number: 7201908
    Abstract: Described are DNA sequences encoding an E6 or E7 fusionprotein of HPV, wherein said DNA sequences are characterized by a combination of the following features: original codons are exchanged by codons which lead to an enhanced translation in a mammalian cell, they contain a deletion resulting in the production of a truncated non-functional protein, and they encode a fusionpartner which is a highly immunogenic polypeptide capable of enhancing the immunogenicity of the E6 or E7 protein in the mammalian host. Furthermore, the modified E6 or E7 protein encoded by said DNA sequences as well as expression vectors containing said DNA sequences are described as well as several uses of the these compounds.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 2002
    Date of Patent: April 10, 2007
    Assignee: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung Des Offentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Angel Cid-Arregui, Harald Zur Hausen
  • Patent number: 7179456
    Abstract: Treatment of brain tumors by a composition including parvovirus, e.g., parvovirus H1, LuIII, Mouse minute virus (MMV), Mouse parvovirus (MPV), Rat minute virus (RMV), Rat parvovirus (RPV), Rat virus (RV), vectors based on the foregoing viral species, and/or cells capable of actively producing the foregoing viral species. Also described is the use of a parvovirus for the preparation of a pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of a brain tumor. Tumors for which the compositions and methods of the invention have particular utility include glioma, medulloblastoma and meningioma.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 2003
    Date of Patent: February 20, 2007
    Assignee: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Jean Rommelaere, Jan Cornelis, Christiane Dinsart, Jorg R. Schlehofer, Karsten Geletneky, Marta Herrero Y Calle
  • Patent number: 7157246
    Abstract: The present invention relates to an RNA polymerase I transcription factor TIF-IA and proteins related thereto, whose concentration and/or activity are correlated with the cell proliferation rate, and to DNA sequences encoding these proteins. The present invention also concerns ligands binding to an RNA polymerase I transcription factor TIF-IA and proteins related thereto, respectively, antagonists as well as antisense RNAs and/or ribozymes, directed against the TIF-IA expression. These compounds are of use for the prevention or treatment of diseases associated with an increased or reduced cell proliferation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 14, 2001
    Date of Patent: January 2, 2007
    Assignee: Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum Stiftung des Oeffentlichen Rechts
    Inventors: Ingrid Grummt, Martin Vingron