Patents Assigned to DFM Enterprises, Inc.
  • Patent number: 5802980
    Abstract: A vehicle for operation on both road and railroad track (off road) is provided with a wheeled chassis comprising a steered front wheel axle and rear wheel differential axle(s), all with road or rubber tire wheels. A front axle and a rear wheel differential axle(s) are provided with rail wheels, the rear rail wheel axle(s) being suspended horizontally behind the rear most tired axle(s) of the wheel chassis. The rail wheel differential axle(s) are horizontally displaceable to be moved into engagement with the railroad track during the lifting of adjacent road or rubber tire wheels out of engagement with the ground. The rear rail wheel differential axle(s) is located behind the rear most wheel axle(s) for road or rubber tire wheels of the vehicle and is being driven by the rubber tire vehicles differential in front of it. The rail differential axle(s) also incorporates a link suspension system including an engagement mechanism permanently secured to the rear part of the vehicle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 7, 1997
    Date of Patent: September 8, 1998
    Assignee: DFM Enterprises, Inc.
    Inventor: Richard J. Hofmiller