Abstract: A storage cradle system for compact discs comprising a series of storage cradles rotatably mounted in parallel in a housing. Each cradle consists of a base having outwardly angled vertically upstanding side walls, a rear wall and a vertical upstanding front wall. One of said side walls is higher than the other to act as a guide when inserting the disc into the slot formed between the two side walls. Indented tabs are provided on each of said side walls to keep the disc centered when fully inserted into the cradle.
Abstract: The present invention relates to an indexed storage cradle system for compact discs comprising a series of storage cradles rotatably mounted in parallel in a housing. Each cradle consists of a base having generally parallel vertically upstanding side walls, a rear wall and a vertical upstanding front wall. One of said side walls is higher than the other to act as a guide when inserting the disc into the slot formed between the two side walls. Means are provided on each of said side walls to keep the disc centered when fully inserted into the cradle. The top of the front wall of each cradle is provided with a cutout portion and a tab is provided either on the bottom or the top of said cutout to facilitate pulling down the cradle and the location of the tab alternates on adjacent cradles to minimize the chance of inadvertently pulling down the adjacent cradle.