Abstract: A double faced changeable sign having a sliding panel to conceal or reveal messages, wherein the sign is removably mounted to a transparent window or other clear surface.
Abstract: A collapsible corrugated board pop up display having a plurality of horizontal shelves hingeably connected to a folding back panel having a top and bottom portion. A pair of top and bottom side panels are pivotally connected to the top and bottom back panels respectively. The top and bottom side panels have recesses and projections forming a tongue and groove arrangement for connecting the top side panels with the bottom side panels. The front portion of the bottom shelf is supported by a collapsible reinforcement base member extending between and attached to the bottom side panels. The front portion of each one of the remaining shelves is supported by a flexible structure such as a cord affixed to opposite side walls and positioned beneath each shelf to provide support for the shelf in the horizontal "in use" position.