Abstract: A device to enable a person to descend from an elevated position at a controlled and variable speed comprising a restraining member (12) having a series of slots (13). A tape (11) stored in a container (20) passes through the slots (13) to a hook (10) for attachment of the device to a fixed point. A user wearing a harness (21) removably attached to the restraining member (12) may descend at a controlled rate determined by the frictional engagement of the tape (11) with the surfaces of the restraining member (12). An apertured retarding device (50) is placed on the tape (11) within the container (20) to retard the passage of the tape through the restraining member (12) thus controlling the rate of descent.
Abstract: An escape hammer for breaking reinforced glass or other barrier screen material to enable personnel to escape in an emergency, for example, from a high rise building or from a vehicle or other enclosure and comprising a handle (10) and enlarged head (11) with a pointed striking tip (12). The handle is ridged (as at 13) to provide a grip, has a chisel-end (15) to act as a levering tool, and a formation (17, 18) to assist in the removal of broken glass pieces. The whole tool is of steel or of a material of like mass.