Abstract: A method for processing image data having noise and information, including: acquiring input raw image data having pixels of an image sensor used to take the image data, processing the input data, and outputting processed image-output data. The step of acquiring input data includes acquiring an input-noise model from the input data, and the step of processing the input raw image data includes a preprocessing operation and determining an output-noise model adapted to reflect noise in the output data, and producing output raw-image data consistent with the output-noise model, and the step of outputting the processed image data includes storing and/or transmitting the output raw image data and the output-noise model, which together form the output data, in a manner linking the output raw image data to the output-noise model, thereby allowing processing of the output data, as input data, such that the processing is adapted for pipeline processing.
Abstract: A method for steganographic processing and compression of image data with negligible information loss, wherein said image data comprises noise and information. The method includes the steps of: acquiring image data to be processed and/or compressed, storing and/or transmitting the image data, and preparing the acquired image data for compression. The preparation step includes determining an input noise model and corresponding parameters adapted to reflect noise created by an image sensor used to capture said image data, and removing, with negligible information loss, noise from the acquired image data by use of the input noise model such as to produce noise-reduced image data.
Abstract: A system and method to compress image data by first identifying the device and settings with which the image data was generated, and then optimizing the compression accordingly. A catalogue that associates imaging devices and settings to compression parameters is generated, so that when an image needs to be compressed, the system will identify the device and settings and extract compression parameters from the catalogue. These parameters are used during compression to achieve higher compression performance and optionally to normalize the compressed data as to make it more homogenous for further processing.