Abstract: The users (1) via their user devices (2) connect to the network (3) create an own account (5) and their virtual visions (8) whereby the users (1) become creators in the astral media. Via the virtual visions (8) the creators communicate in pre-regulated communicative fragments, called lemmas. One such communicative fragment (lemma) in the astral media is called Legion Lemma (11) whose characteristic feature is that it is regulated as restricted. The Legion Lemma (11) consists of many legions (12). Each of the legions (12) represents a restricted communicative community created by two or more virtual visions (8)—VVi. The legion (12) as the main structural unit of the Legion Lemma (11) entails the formation of such restricted communities of virtual visions VVi based on common interests and the need of usefulness which is why the regulation of the astral media in terms of forming, joining and disbanding legions is purposefully made more complicated.
Abstract: The method for regulated management of virtual visions which their creators use to communicate in a multilayered communicative fragmentation positioned in a network environment will be applied mainly, but not only, to platforms for communication between network users such as social networks, astral media, etc. According to the method the users (1) via user devices (2) connect to the computer network (3) and get an opportunity to use the services of the provider (4), set up a user account (5) and access the services (6) of the provider (4). Then the users create one or more virtual visions (8) with the number of virtual visions being unlimited. The creation of a virtual vision (8) is recorded as an entry (9) in the data base (10) supported by the service provider (4). When creating a virtual vision (8) the creator (1) specifies the conditions for objectification of the vision in the services of the provider (4).
Abstract: The astral media is applied in the online communication or in a computer network structure between users and provides them with an opportunity to be anonymous using a random number of virtual visions. The users (1) whose number is unlimited may via user devices (2) use the Internet or another network environment (3) to access the media (4). After creating a user account (5) the users (1) create one or more virtual visions (8) through which they access the multilayered communicative fragmentation (9) of the astral media (4). The multilayered communicative fragmentation (9) consists of at least a “Public Lemma” (10), “Legion Lemma” (11) and “MySelf Lemma” (12). The “Public Lemma” (10) is universally accessible to all virtual visions (8) and the content they generate is visible to the other visions. In the “Legion Lemma” (11) the virtual visions (8) form groups of closed legions (13) accessible only to the members. The “MySelf Lemma” (12) is to be used only by its creator.
Abstract: The invention refers to a method and system for regulating mediated anonymous communication to be applied to the communication between network users. According to this method the users (1) via user devices (2) connect to the network environment (3) and receive an opportunity to register and use the services of the provider (4). Then the users (1) create their own user account (5) allowing them to create an unlimited number of virtual visions (8). Each virtual vision (8) has an own name and differentiating characteristics, including time characteristics, as assigned by the creator (1). Each virtual vision (8) of any creator (1) can be used for mediated contacts with the other virtual visions (8), as well as mediated contacts with the virtual visions (8) of its creator (1) or owner. Each virtual vision (8) is objectified for the other network participants at a moment in time predetermined by its creator or upon the occurrence of circumstances as predefined by the creator.