Abstract: An Adirondack-type chair for therapeutic use with frail, older adults having a back support including six slats in a curved plane to support the lateral block muscles of the user on two medial slats and allowing the fragile spine of the user to be free from pressure which would be encountered by a central slat of a five-slat configuration. The curved plane of the back support follows the natural curvature of the trunk of the body to provide equal distribution of pressure along the back. Wheels are provided at the bottom of the chair for user mobility. A handle located at the top of the back support provides a grasp for both hands of an assistant pushing the chair. In addition, a footrest located above the rear wheels of the chair allows for downward pressure to be exerted by a foot of the assistant, while pulling rearwardly by the handles at the top of the chair, to elevate the front end of the chair. The chair is tilted rearwardly for easy movement over door sills and other obstacles.
March 12, 1991
Date of Patent:
June 9, 1992
Eld-Arondak, Inc.
Jane M. Thibault, Pat M. Kelly, Jeffrey B. Hunt