Abstract: Data recording apparatus wherein the data is recorded on a sheet in a spatial arrangement or pattern corresponding to the spatial arrangement of a plurality of containers that constitute a part of a fraction collecting apparatus. The fraction collector operates by moving a nozzle carrying the discharge from a fractionating column along a path on which the containers are disposed. There is a data recording sheet and a pen supported for inscribing a graph on such sheet. The pen moves in unison with the nozzle and is displaced in a direction transverse to the path so that the spatial arrangement of the graph corresponds to the spatial arrangement of the containers.
Abstract: Data recording apparatus wherein the data is recorded on a sheet in a spatial arrangement or pattern corresponding to the spatial arrangement of a plurality of containers that constitute a part of a fraction collecting apparatus. The fraction collector operates by moving a nozzle carrying the discharge from a fractionating column along a path on which the containers are disposed. There is a data recording sheet and a pen supported for inscribing a graph on such sheet. The pen moves in unison with the nozzle and is displaced in a direction transverse to the path so that the spatial arrangement of the graph corresponds to the spatial arrangement of the containers.