Abstract: An emergency detection alarm and evacuation system adapted for use in a multi-storied building comprises a plurality of spatially distributed fire/smoke detectors and a plurality of exit signalling units respectively located adjacent the emergency exit doors on each building floor. A control panel on the lobby floor of the building includes lighted indicators which respectively indicate the actuation of particular fire/smoke detectors and lighted pushbutton switches operative to selectively actuate specific signalling units to thereby direct the building occupants to particular exit doors. Also disclosed is a closed circuit television system for visually monitoring the fire/smoke conditions in particular floor areas, for use in conjunction with said exit signalling units.
Abstract: A fire, smoke and noxious fumes protective device comprises an air-tight envelope made of fire-resistant transparent sheet plastic material and encloses a pre-moistened porous face mask secured thereto. The device is rendered into the operative condition by opening the envelope which converts to a head cap for covering head and eyes of the wearer and extending the face mask out of the envelope whereby the mask extends downwardly from the cap over the nose and mouth of the wearer to afford protection against smoke and noxious fume inhalation.