Abstract: An aid against snoring with a slingshot-shaped outer splint which support the jaw angle and fixates the lower jaw to the cheek and upper jaw. The splint is pressure relieving, pressure distributing, bendable and therefore individually adjustable and adheres to the support (skin) (FIG. 1) from the jaw angle to cheek and upper jaw (and alternatively up over the bridge of the nose) (FIG. 4 and FIG. 5) and in that way prevent the lower jaw from falling backwards-downwards and obstruct the air way in the throat during sleep.
Abstract: An aid against snoring with a slingshot-shaped outer splint which support the jaw angle and fixates the lower jaw to the cheek and upper jaw. The splint is pressure relieving, pressure distributing, bendable and therefore individually adjustable and adheres to the support (skin) (FIG. 1) from the jaw angle to cheek and upper jaw (and alternatively up over the bridge of the nose) (FIG. 4 and FIG. 5) and in that way prevent the lower jaw from falling backwards-downwards and obstruct the air way in the throat during sleep.