Abstract: An automatic nozzle for firefighting low-pressure water mist systems comprising a nozzle body and shutter means, said nozzle body comprising a plurality of axial-symmetric components defining an inlet opening and a plurality of inner cavities, which are fluid-dynamic connected each other by means of one or more openings, being said components configured to generate a radial spray through a circumferential opening, which extends all over the circumference of a second component, said circumferential opening being formed between a base of an annular board of the second component and an upper surface of a hollow body of a third component, and two or more full cone sprays by means of the fluid passage through cylindrical openings on a circular and axial-symmetric body of a fifth component, configured to define a turbulent motion of the fluid in at least two correspondent cylindrical cavities of a fourth component.
Abstract: An automatic nozzle for firefighting low-pressure water mist systems comprising a nozzle body and shutter means, said nozzle body comprising a plurality of axial-symmetric components defining an inlet opening and a plurality of inner cavities, which are fluid-dynamic connected each other by means of one or more openings, being said components configured to generate a radial spray through a circumferential opening, which extends all over the circumference of a second component, said circumferential opening being formed between a base of an annular board of the second component and an upper surface of a hollow body of a third component, and two or more full cone sprays by means of the fluid passage through cylindrical openings on a circular and axial-symmetric body of a fifth component, configured to define a turbulent motion of the fluid in at least two correspondent cylindrical cavities of a fourth component.