Abstract: The invention relates to a method and a device for processing an electric signal constituting the analysis of a line of an image and issued by linear detectors such as a strip (20) of adjacent photodetectors (such as 7, 8) which realize a sampling at a constant pitch. According to the invention, k analyses of the same line are carried out with respective lateral shifts of 1/k of the pitch of the photodetectors, an oversampled signal is generated by multiplexing the k samples, and the oversampled signal is submitted to a filtering inverse to the filtering inherent to the spatial smoothing. Thus, the degradation of the signal due to the folding of the spectrum and to the filtering inherent to the integration of the "light" on the photosensible surface of the photodetectors is reduced.
May 18, 1989
Date of Patent:
June 11, 1991
European Coal and Steel Community
Robert Goutte, Gilles Jacquemod, Christophe Odet