Abstract: The invention relates to a ride for a fun fair. It includes an upright to which two first arms are coupled, each of which oscillates on a vertical oscillation plane. The oscillation planes are parallel and located on opposite sides of the upright. A capsule is associated to each arm and oscillates solidly therewith. The capsule affords space to a plurality of passengers on board. The upright rotates about a vertical axis (y--y) thereof, so that during operation the oscillation planes of the arms rotate about the vertical axis solidly with the upright.
Abstract: The invention relates to an improvement in a funfair ride and in particular one which comprises a rocking ship. The ride, of the type mounted on the plane (1a) of a transportable carriage (1) comprises a pair of telescopic uprights (2) to which a frame is connected, the frame comprising a shaft (3) and a pair of levers (4) having equal arms, which frame rotates about the axis of the shaft (3) and which bears a ship (5) connected to the levers and in its turn rotating about an axis parallel to the shaft (3); the height of the uprights (2), their extension, the length of the arms of the levers (4) and the maximum height of the ship (5) have a size conformation and relationship such as to permit of compacting the ride into transportable dimensions, without disconnecting among themselves the various pieces that compose the ride.