Abstract: Handle-forming machine for shaping and attaching strap handles to bags or carrier bags, and/or to continuous rolls of paper to make bags or carrier bags, said strap handles being formed by folding substantially into a U shape at least one strip or strap. The handle-forming machine comprises at least one carousel rotating around a main shaft, said carousel in turn comprising one or more cradles for gripping and folding the straps. Advantageously each cradle rotates around a main shaft at least from a feed station of said strap/s, to a folding station into a U shape of each strap and to a loading station of the folded strap, for attachment to the bag or to the continuous roll of paper which the bag will be made from. Moreover the cradle also rotates around its own axis radial to the main shaft, to rotate the position of the relative strap between the folding and loading feed stations.