Patents Assigned to Fred M. Dellorfano, Jr. and Donald P. Massa, Trustees of the Stoneleigh Trust
  • Patent number: 4128370
    Abstract: This invention discloses a mold design which limits the maximum pressure that can be developed inside a closed cavity containing a polarized ceramic as a result of the volume expansion of the molding compound during the curing cycle. The pressure control is achieved by interposing a spring member between the mold and the pressure source which closes the mold. The spring will deflect slightly to absorb any volume expansion of the molding compound during the curing cycle, thus preventing any significant increase in pressure in the cavity and thereby preventing depolarization of the ceramic.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 12, 1977
    Date of Patent: December 5, 1978
    Assignee: Fred M. Dellorfano, Jr. and Donald P. Massa, Trustees, The Stoneleigh Trust
    Inventor: Frank Massa
  • Patent number: 4033180
    Abstract: A microphone is described for operating in dirty environments where a layer of dirt or mud may accumulate over the vibratile surface of microphone. The microphone is designed with its vibratile diaphragm having a mass greater than 0.4 gm/sq cm of diaphragm area so that an added layer of dirt over its surface will not cause any significant change in the sensitivity of the microphone over its prescribed frequency range of operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 26, 1976
    Date of Patent: July 5, 1977
    Assignee: Fred M. Dellorfano, Jr. and Donald P. Massa, Trustees of The Stoneleigh Trust u/d/t
    Inventor: Frank Massa
  • Patent number: 4028504
    Abstract: A molded rubber tubular member includes a grommet-like flange at its open end for permitting the structure to be attached to a panel. A recessed nest portion is provided at the opposite end of the tubular member into which is inserted a transducer whose diaphragm serves as a closure at the end of the tubular member. The assembly serves as a flexible shock mount for the transducer and also as an acoustic amplifier which increases the acoustic sensitivity of the transducer by 10 to 20 dB in a selective frequency band within the audible range.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 12, 1975
    Date of Patent: June 7, 1977
    Assignee: Fred M. Dellorfano, Jr., and Donald P. Massa, Trustees of The Stoneleigh Trust u/d/t
    Inventor: Frank Massa
  • Patent number: 4011473
    Abstract: An ultrasonic transducer employs a ceramic disc which, when excited by a d-c pulse, vibrates in its planar resonant frequency mode. The sensitivity is selectively increased for the second positive half cycle of the transient oscillation of the disc and a method is described for using the selectively improved transient response to greatly increase the precision of measurement of the time interval for a transient pulse of ultrasonic energy to travel the distance between an ultrasonic transmitter and an ultrasonic receiver.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 28, 1975
    Date of Patent: March 8, 1977
    Assignee: Fred M. Dellorfano, Jr. & Donald P. Massa, Trustees of the Stoneleigh Trust
    Inventor: Frank Massa
  • Patent number: 3967260
    Abstract: A comprehensive analysis of the effect of air turbulence on the acoustic performance of an ultrasonic intruder alarm system indicates that air turbulence does not cause Doppler frequency shifts in the received signal in the frequency region 2 - 100 Hz, as has been universally assumed in prior art systems but that air turbulence can only produce amplitude modulations in the received signal over this frequency region. It is also disclosed that changes in air velocity, or accelerations of the air flow, cause only very low Doppler frequency shifts in the signal, below 2 Hz for a 20 kHz carrier, and only moving targets can produce higher Doppler frequency shifts. A processing system is disclosed which is immune to false alarms in the presence of air turbulence without sacrificing threshold sensitivity and without introducing long time delays in the signal processing circuit as has been necessary in prior art systems.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 8, 1974
    Date of Patent: June 29, 1976
    Assignee: Fred M. Dellorfano, Jr. and Donald P. Massa, Trustees of the Stoneleigh Trust u/d/t Dec. 4, 1973
    Inventor: Donald P. Massa
  • Patent number: 3937991
    Abstract: An electroacoustic transducer uses a bilaminar vibratile element having at least two plate members which are bonded together in face-to-face relationship, at least one of the plates being made from a piezoelectric material. The bilaminar plate is supported within a frame-like structure by resilient pads which attach the bilaminar plate at its nodal points to the surface of the supporting frame.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 1971
    Date of Patent: February 10, 1976
    Assignee: Fred M. Dellorfano, Jr. and Donald P. Massa, Trustees of the Stoneleigh Trust
    Inventors: Frank Massa, Gilbert C. Barrow
  • Patent number: 3932833
    Abstract: This invention provides an expendable velocimeter probe. High frequency transmitting and receiving transducers are mounted opposite to one another in axial alignment on the probe body and on a frame in front of the body. The mounting includes means for accurately adjusting the distance between the transducers in order to provide low cost, but highly reliable, means for calibrating the velocimeter during large scale manufacture of the instruments.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 22, 1970
    Date of Patent: January 13, 1976
    Assignee: Fred M. Dellorfano, Jr. and Donald P. Massa, Trustees of the Stoneleigh Trust u/d/t Dec. 4, 1973
    Inventors: Frank Massa, Donald P. Massa