Abstract: Multiple branch peptide constructions formed from peptides derived from the envelope transmembrane glycoprotein gp41 of HIV, and including the consensus sequence RQGY preceded by 0 to 4 amino acid residues and succeeded by 2 to 4 amino acid residues, most preferably RQGYSPL, show increased receptor affinity and prevent cell-to-cell fusion. They have a direct virostatic effect. Because they present the same peptide sequence several times, these MBPCs are able to neutralize in vitro the different steps of virus envelope/cell membrane fusion, and infected cell membrane/uninfected cell membrane fusion of several strains of HIV-1 and HIV-2. These results open a potential use in treatment of HIV infection.
June 29, 1999
Date of Patent:
April 30, 2002
Gellpep S.A.
Kamel Mabrouk, Jean-Marc Sabatier, Herve Rochat, Jurphaas Van Rietschoten