Patents Assigned to General Atomic Company
  • Patent number: 4274919
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for merging of tokamak plasmas, having applications including pseudo steady-state tokamak operation, refueling, impurity removal and plasma heating. In such systems, currents of two merging tokamak plasmas are provided in the same direction so that the plasma columns attract each other, and the merging of the plasmas is carried out under the control of appropriate guiding fields.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 14, 1977
    Date of Patent: June 23, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: Torkil H. Jensen, Nobuyoshi Ohyabu, Chung-Lih Hsieh
  • Patent number: 4269658
    Abstract: Apparatus for producing a pinched plasma at high kinetic energy levels which includes an elongated containment means having a generally cylindrically shaped bore defining a reservoir, an electrically conductive liquid within the bore and means for rotating the liquid to create centrifugal force sufficient to create a cylindrical space generally along the axis of the bore, means for creating a plasma within the cylindrical space, means for applying a magnetic field the length of the bore and means for mechanically reducing the diameter of the bore and cylindrical space to compress the magnetic field to provide a pinch effect on the plasma.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 1977
    Date of Patent: May 26, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Tihiro Ohkawa
  • Patent number: 4267019
    Abstract: Coated nuclear fuel particles are made by first pyrolytically depositing low density carbon onto fuel cores and thereafter depositing a fission-product retentive, higher density exterior coating. In the improvement, cores of uranium, thorium or plutonium oxides are coated by co-depositing silicon carbide or zirconium carbide along with the low density pyrocarbon to create a uniform dispersion. Silicon or zirconium is deposited in an amount equal to at least about one atom for each fission anticipated during the fuel lifetime.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 10, 1978
    Date of Patent: May 12, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: James L. Kaae, George H. Reynolds, Stewart A. Sterling, Ling Yang
  • Patent number: 4264413
    Abstract: Method and apparatus for initially producing a sharp boundaried theta-pinch plasma, and subsequently relaxing the current sheath of the plasma to provide a diffuse-pinch plasma, in which the diffuse pinch plasma has a doublet or higher multiplet magnetic confinement configuration with one or more internal separatrices, and in which the initially formed, sharp-boundaried plasma is provided with a current sheath having a contour corresponding to a flux surface of the doublet or multiplet configuration.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1976
    Date of Patent: April 28, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Tihiro Ohkawa
  • Patent number: 4263097
    Abstract: Method and apparatus for continuously driving a current in a toroidal plasma through r-f induced, asymmetric trapping or detrapping. The method and apparatus may be used to supply ohmic current over a prolonged or indefinite time period and thus provide for steady state operation of toroidal plasma apparatus such as tokamaks.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 23, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 21, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Tihiro Ohkawa
  • Patent number: 4258026
    Abstract: Hydrogen iodide is efficiently decomposed to hydrogen and iodine by treatment in the liquid phase with a platinum group metal catalyst. At temperatures between about C. and about C. and pressures sufficiently high to maintain the liquid phase, at least about 50 percent of the hydrogen iodide present can be decomposed at a reasonable rate of reaction. The hydrogen which is created is easily separated as a gas. Exemplary catalysts include platinum particles and supported catalysts, such as ruthenium on a titania substrate and platinum on a barium sulfate substrate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 26, 1979
    Date of Patent: March 24, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: Dennis R. O'Keefe, David G. Williamson
  • Patent number: 4252605
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for compressing a lower strength magnetic field to produce high flux densities, such as about one megagauss, employing a hollow, rotating, electrically conductive liquid liner to trap the magnetic flux, and in which the rotating liner is magnetically forced to implode. Energy to drive the implosion is derived from the rotational energy of the liner. Energy may be recovered subsequently as rotational energy upon expansion or rebound of the liner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 15, 1977
    Date of Patent: February 24, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Michael J. Schaffer
  • Patent number: 4243868
    Abstract: Gas-shielded, arc welding apparatus for securing a tube to the sidewall of a pipe or the like and facilitating removal of the welding apparatus after completion of the weld includes a locating fixture adapted for clamping engagement with the pipe and for positioning a welding head with rotary guide means coaxially aligned with the tube, a welding torch assembly being supported for rotation upon the guide means and supplied with power during rotation for welding the tube to the pipe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 2, 1979
    Date of Patent: January 6, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Weldon C. Graham
  • Patent number: 4242594
    Abstract: A switch arrangement for interruption of an electrical current in a circuit with a large self-induction. One application of the switch arrangement is for systems where energy stored in an inductor is to be transferred to a load. In this case, the switch arrangement is coupled in parallel with the load. The switch arrangement consists of a current interrupting means and a plurality of thyristors being connected in series in their forward direction. A circuit comprised of a plurality of serially connected sets of a resistor and a nonlinear element is connected in parallel with the serially connected current interrupting means and thyristors, the nonlinear element impeding flow of current through it when the voltage, or the time integral of the voltage thereacross is small, and more fully allowing current to flow therethrough when the voltage, or the time integral of the voltage is large. One of the resistor-nonlinear element sets is associated with one of the thyristors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 16, 1979
    Date of Patent: December 30, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Torkil H. Jensen
  • Patent number: 4241330
    Abstract: A digital communication system is disclosed for communicating among two central consoles and a plurality of local controllers, such as may be used in a radiation and monitoring system and the like. Communication occurs between each of the consoles and all of the local controllers via dual paths, each of which comprises a bidirectional duplex two wire communication link. Each path is independent of the other and each extends from one of the consoles to all of the local controllers from opposite directions, thereby forming a unique noncontinuous loop. Command messages from the consoles are processed by all controllers and response messages are made by only the addressed controllers and are not processed by other controllers. Reflected messages in the opposite direction are ignored by all controllers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 1978
    Date of Patent: December 23, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: Thomas A. Hery, John G. Getchen
  • Patent number: 4231015
    Abstract: A digital communication system is disclosed for communicating among two central consoles and a plurality of local controllers, such as may be used in a radiation and monitoring system and the like. Communication occurs between each of the consoles and all of the local controllers via dual paths. Each path is independent of the other and each extends from one of the consoles to all of the local controllers from opposite directions, thereby forming a unique noncontinuous loop.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 28, 1978
    Date of Patent: October 28, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Donald C. Union
  • Patent number: 4230547
    Abstract: Methods and apparatus for separating krypton isotopes utilizing low temperature selective infrared excitation of .sup.85 krypton difluoride in an isotopic compound mixture. Multiphoton IR excitation and UV excitation techniques are used, as well as cryogenic matrix isolation and inert buffer gas isolation techniques.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 3, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 28, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: John T. Porter, II
  • Patent number: 4224983
    Abstract: A heat exchange apparatus for transferring heat from a reactor gas coolant to a secondary fluid medium. The heat exchange apparatus comprises an elongated vertically extending hole in a concrete shield. Supported within the hole in spaced relation to the wall thereof is an elongated vertical extending tubular shroud which shroud has a gas entry at its lower end and a gas exit at its upper end. Means are provided for dividing the annular space between the shroud 16 and the wall of the hole into an upper and a lower region. Disposed in the shield is an inlet for reactor coolant which communicates with the lower region and is positioned vertically so as to be spaced above the gas entry to the shroud to thereby suppress natural convection during non-operating standby conditions of the apparatus. An outlet for reactor coolant, which is disposed in the shield, communicates with the upper region.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 2, 1978
    Date of Patent: September 30, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: Glenn C. Thurston, John D. McDaniels, Jr., Paul R. Gertsch
  • Patent number: 4221182
    Abstract: Apparatus for suspending particles in a fluidized bed within a coating chamber where the particles are coated with a substance contained in a reactant gas introduced into the chamber by means of a centrally arranged nozzle extending upwardly from the coating chamber floor. Levitating gas for suspending the particles in the fluidized bed is introduced into the chamber from around the centrally arranged nozzle and generally parallel with the chamber base to promote particle circulation through the fluidized bed and minimize deposition within the chamber in one species of the apparatus, the nozzle is supported upon a movable probe which forms a closure for an opening in the chamber base through which coated particles are unloaded.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 10, 1978
    Date of Patent: September 9, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Lloyd C. Brown
  • Patent number: 4217171
    Abstract: Blanket designs comprising hot, molten, rotating liquid vortex systems suitable for rapidly compressing confined plasmas, in which stratified immiscible liquid layers having successively greater mass densities outwardly of the axis of rotation are provided, such that each may be optimized for specific functions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 15, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 12, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: Michael J. Schaffer
  • Patent number: 4217174
    Abstract: Nuclear fuel rods are manufactured utilizing a graphite flour-pitch matrix formulation containing an additive. The matrix formulation has a decreased viscosity at fabrication temperatures which permits manufacture of the fuel rods with lower fabrication pressures. Also, the matrix formulation does not cause the fuel rod to adhere or bond to the fuel element during heat treatment of the fuel rod in the fuel element. The nuclear fuel rods are suitable for use in high temperature gas cooled nuclear reactors.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 8, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 12, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: David F. Leary, Roy G. Cooper, Gary N. Miertschin
  • Patent number: 4216529
    Abstract: A system for monitoring and controlling the operation of a plurality of fluid dispensers, such as gasoline pumps or the like in a self-service gasoline station is disclosed. The system includes an operating console that may be located in a station building and has electronic displays, dispenser selecting push buttons and a keyboard including numeric and functional switches, all of which an operator can use to control the operation of the system. A mode select switch permits operation of the system in various modes, selected ones of which permit an operator to obtain various period totals of both volume and cost, to control normal postpay or prepay dispensing transactions, check inventory as well as set or reset the cost per volumetric unit, among other operations. The system can include electronic displays at the gasoline pump and permit price setting of the fluid product from the console.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 1978
    Date of Patent: August 5, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: Michael S. Krystek, George L. Hurley, III, Steven R. Smith, Stephen E. Rice
  • Patent number: 4207723
    Abstract: A system is disclosed for canning, inspecting and transferring to a storage area fuel and reflector elements from a nuclear reactor, which system includes a transfer chute, environmental chamber, conveyor and canning mechanism operative to remove and replace closures on containers into which fuel and reflector elements are inserted or from which stored elements are removed while maintaining a sealed gaseous environment and permitting visual and mechanical inspection of the elements by an operator located in a remote shielded area.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 14, 1978
    Date of Patent: June 17, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: Basil C. Hawke, Lewis A. Goldman
  • Patent number: 4208396
    Abstract: Substantially pure O.sub.2 is recovered from a gaseous mixture containing O.sub.2 and another gas, such as SO.sub.2 or NH.sub.3. An O.sub.2 --SO.sub.2 mixture is injected into a substantially vertical reaction zone to which I.sub.2 and H.sub.2 O are continuously supplied at an upper location. By injecting the gas mixture at a lower location and at a preselected rate, substantially all of the SO.sub.2 in the mixture either reacts chemically or is dissolved in the H.sub.2 O. I.sub.2 may be supplied in particulate form and in substantial excess with respect to water so that the intermediate zone resembles a packed bed of wet iodine, in which case the gaseous mixture flows in the interstices of the packed bed. Electrolysis or an other chemical reaction wherein O.sub.2 does not take part can also be used.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 30, 1977
    Date of Patent: June 17, 1980
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventor: John H. Norman
  • Patent number: RE30630
    Abstract: In one embodiment, a closed cycle gas turbine system employs a precooler for cooling the gas prior to compression. A closed loop coolant circuit for the precooler includes a primary heat exchanger. A secondary heat exchanger is provided which may be employed during periods of peak demand on the turbine system to provide additional cooling for the coolant in the closed loop coolant circuit for the precooler. The secondary heat exchanger may also be employed to transfer heat in the reverse direction during periods of time in which the primary heat exchanger is operating at high effectiveness to provide storage of a fluid at low temperature to enhance operation in the initially described mode. In another embodiment, a similar coolant circuit operates in conjunction with a condenser for a steam power electrical generating facility.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 12, 1979
    Date of Patent: June 2, 1981
    Assignee: General Atomic Company
    Inventors: David C. Morse, Daniel L. Vrable